
Dave Munnings Seminar with Koto

I've been so bad updating my blog! 
I'm having somewhat mentally tough year of 2015 but my dogs and dog Agility sure has been fully supporting me.   When I play with my dogs, I only enjoy, I can forget small things that worries me in my life.  Some people get stressed about agility, and yell at dogs, or stressed at small details, but not me.  Not at all. 
I love agility and everything my dogs do at agility :D

I just love taking challenges and Koto has been challenging me A LOT recently!! She took us to the new level of agility, let me to understanding her more wisely, we truly discovered the way of making better connection. 

Dave Munnings seminar with Koto for 4 days was really great. I feel like we went back to basic, and it was just perfect small sequences to do every basic movement with international presenter's coaching.  Koto didn't slow down at all, Her front leg joint didn't get stiff, hold it so well.  She could run 3 days, jumping 400 no problem!! (Which made me soooo happy!!) and she was quite good at new environment, always always wanted to work for me - it was actually joy to join the seminar with her :)  

We learnt to control every turns, but also trust more on her, and leave as soon as possible!! I always felt Koto needs more support than Niah, but then - If I wait her, she is MUCH faster than Niah. And most happily, I learnt a lot about Koto and it was joy to play with her for 3 days :) 

でも犬達と遊んだり、アジリティをしているときはいつも感じているストレスや心配している事全て忘れられるんですよね。 よくアジの学校や競技会でガンガン犬を怒る人や小さい犬の行動や他人にどう思われるかなどを気にしている人を見かけるけど、アジリティなんて犬と遊んでいるだけなのにそんなに怒るの?と聞きたくなる。
それに琴とのハンドリングのチャレンジは 本当に楽しい!もっと琴の事を知った気がするし、出来なかった事が出来たときの喜びは凄い :)

今回のDaveとのセミナーも 2年前の前足の関節の怪我のせいで 琴とは庭とアジリティクラブでしかアジリティを してなかったんだけど、過保護になりすぎてたのかな、


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