
Niah update

And how is Niah's toe?
After 4 weeks of lazer therapy, (only 5min but twice a week) we had another check up with Malcolm on Monday. 
I was somewhat very nervous and scared of Niah's toe hasn't improved.. Malcolm mentioned me that worst case of scenario will be amputate toe.. But he said strongly the worst worst case of senario, we are trying to avoid that.
Because of fracture on his toe were very very small, should have been better after 4 weeks of treatment but he was still limping again on the beach, it means that toe is not improved yet or heart him self again. I was very disappointed. 

But we actually found he was NO pain on his toe. squeeze it, twist it, pull it, push it.. 
Niah just looked like he is in the massage heaven!   
It was almost strange.. I have been believing its toe..  perhaps it was not toe pain. 
more than likely somewhere connected to toe.. Niah was just being in the good mood, didn't show us any pain.
But Malcolm and I couldn't find his pain on Monday. 
Malcolm decided to used thermal camera to find hot spot on his leg. 

We were back on Tuesday to take a thermal photos from 11:30am. 

I needed to walk him (under the shade) for about 30min to get him use to the environmental temperature.  
During this time, I was not allowed to touch him to avoid my temperature transition to his body, make hot spot. He was also not allowed to contact with other dogs too. 

Then Malcolm took 100s of pictures, from every possible angles, and he founds hot spots,  He took Xray and ping pong!! 
Sadly, We found another fracture on his right front carpus.

How stressful!!  It must have been painful.

So..what to do?! 
Malcolm mention me stem cell injection and PRP injection.  And also found out he is available next day - I booked him in and went back there again on Wednesday 10:30am for his surgery.  

というのもあの恐怖のビーチホリデーの後 ビッコしてたし、 もしも改善されなかったら最悪の場合はつま先切断!!になるかも!?とマルコム以前言われていたからです。 
 つま先の骨折はかなり小さい破片だったので、4週から6週の処置で改善されないのはおかしいのです。 でもビーチにいったとたん、やっぱりビッコしていました。 

月曜の診断でマルコムがニアの痛かったを捻っても、ねじっても ひっぱっても押しても全く反応しない、反応しないというよりマッサージされてるような気持ち良さそうな顔。。。これは、、完全に治ってる♥

気を取り直して、翌日  サーマルカメラを使って痛みを探知する事に。


この間に 私の手の温度が移行するのを避けるため、ニアを一切さわれませんでした。他の犬とのも接触もできませんでした。 マルコムはありとあらゆる角度から100枚近くの写真を撮影、そして、前足にホットスポットを発見。レントゲンを撮影したら、残念な事に手首にも小さな骨折を発見。。。


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