
Sad morning without sweetie

先週の行方不明事件は近所の猫とのテリトリー争いが原因で帰ってこなかったのではなく肺に水が溜まり呼吸困難の為 家へ戻る階段さえも登ってこられなかったか、もしくは一人で静かな時間を過ごしたかったのだとやっと解りました。4月にビッコを引き出したと同時に進行した衰弱食欲不良だったので、足の原因ばかり突き止めてきましたが この頃からずっと苦しかったのだと思います。血液検査や体内の検査ももちろんしたのですが肺の急激な異変はこの1ヶ月の事だったようです。
琴は動かないマンキーに寄り添って匂いをかぎ、キュンキュンいいながら一生懸命起こそうとしましたが、泣いている私たちを見て、何か理解した様に、そっと私達のそばに付いて一緒に見守ってくれました。とにかく 小さな身体で本当にここまでよく頑張ったね。 優しくておっとりで甘えん坊さんで、本当に可愛くて可愛くていつもいとおしいかった。 今まで本当にありがとう。

9th June, 2010, Monkey passed away suffered from a Lung Cancer.  She was only 8 years old,  lived with us for 4 years.  We assuming that she had long struggle with breathing problem for over a month. When she was gone missing for 5 days last week, she wanted to be either alone in peace or couldn't come upstairs from pain.  We did blood, nutrition, kidney and liver testing but couldn't find lung fail last month because of she started limping hind leg at the same time so we all considered its coming from her joint pain. We finally realized that she was having a hard time to breath for 2 month.  Her tiny lung was filled in water.  Poor little monkey.. you did extremely well and had the greatest patient with all those pain.   We took Monkey's body home last night 3 of us said good-bye together.  Surely I felt that we were strongly bonded family and little Monkey teach me so many important things in life.   Koto understood Monkey was not moving and we were very sad about it, then she sit next to us calmly.
Monkey chan, You were the sweetest, cutest, funniest and the most loveliest cat I have ever seen and we love you very much.  Thank you for being our sweetie and gave us a joyful time.
Also thank you for our friends, who gave her a pad with love and looked after her when we were away. 


Anonymous said...

マンキー 大変だったんだね

emi said...

本当にまだ居なくなったなんて 実感わかないよ。鈴の音と彼女の鳴き声が頭から離れません。でも今はゆっくり休めて良かったよ。

Unknown said...

Rest in peace monkey I'll miss you.

Unknown said...

Rest in peace Monkey you are a gorgeous cat and I'll miss you.

emi said...

Thank you!! and thank you for giving her lovely pat everytime you were here:)