
storm in Melbourne

少し前ですが、ボーダー達とDaylesfordへ出かけた週末のメルボルンは強風大雨の嵐に混ざり5cm程の大きさのヒョウが10分以上も降り続いたという異常気象だった。随分の人が怪我をしたり、800台以上の車のガラスが粉々に割れたらしい。住宅への被害も酷いようで未だに被害の話を耳にする。私達も家に帰ると雨漏りやパルコニーから水が室内へ入ったようでStudyRoomが水浸しになっていた。でも 出かけていたお陰で車は無事!本当によかった。日本で洪水や浸水、土砂崩れなどのニュースは良く聞くがこんな”ヒョウ”は見た事がないですよね。。

Some of the photos from storm in Melbourne, 2 weeks ago. 5cm size (as big as golf ball or tennis ball) of hail stones fall for about 10min in various suburb and many people injured, cars and houses were badly damaged.  Melbourne was pounded and some described the sky was bright, the next minute the wind hit, swirling the dust then sky turned black and hail started to fell.It sounds like all happened in short time. When we came back home, Study room floor was soaking wet and had some water leak on ceiling but rest rooms were fine.  I have never seen like this big hail in my life.  

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