
SA Agility Nationals trip Day:2-3 at Goolwa holiday

We really loved laid back little town Goolwa and Victor Habour.
There are quite many old aged people lives there but also had nice sight seeing places and cute cafe and nice restaurants. We enjoyed walking around the town and also visit bird sanctuary national park island, let the dogs to stretch out their legs, and watched beautiful sunset.  Very relaxing time!!

During the day, we did a bit of practice jumping with our portable wing jumps!
wow, they are really awesome!  so light weight and we can do jumping anywhere we go!

 翌日 時間がゆっくり流れる穏やかな港町GoolwaとVictor Harbourを
散歩してみました。鳥だけが住む島、Coorong National Park, バードサンクチュアリーエリアをコーヒーを飲みながら観光して、夕方には凄く奇麗な夕日をボーと見て過ごし、
翌日は最近購入したポータブルジャンプを持って 公園でジャンピングの練習をしました。

このジャンプ、凄く軽いし良く出来てる上に、持ち運びができてどこでもジャンピングができる 優れもの〜❤ イイネ!

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