
Royal Melbourne show and roller coaster!

Photos by Sally Ryan from Tails & Trails photography

Royal Melbourne show is one of the biggest show in near the Melbourne ecity for family to interact with farm animals and experience animal shows and competitions. There are roller coaster and huge market too, it is a large family event that holds every year.
We tried jumping on Saturday, but as I guesses. (expected) my noise sensitive boy was on his edge of nervousness with all people, roller coaster noise, and this extreme environment... 
The course looks extremely easy, but it had very weird angles so many of the dogs didn't get clear run, specially fast dogs had very difficult time. I really don't like those courses, just challenging with angle.. but well, I guess not too difficult on this environment was good thing for Niah. At least, he enjoyed first course :)  He did great in the morning first course, but as soon as roller coaster next to the agility ring started to move, he completely shut down! and went into his world and shut me out  :(  
2nd video, he stopped running from the noise. 
Oh well, I knew it and he did his best so we are happy! but probably not coming back next year :D 

ロイヤルメルボルンショーというファミリー向けの大きなイベントが毎年市内近くで開催されます。内容は 農場の動物と触れ合う事ができたり、馬のショージャンピング、木こりレースや羊の毛狩りドッグショー、アジリティ、フリスビー、フライボール、など色々な競技が行なわれます。
今までエントリーしなかったのはニアは環境音にひどくセンシティブなので避けていたのですが、案の定、ジェットコースターが動き出した途端 まるでUFOでも見たかのように、
まだ上手く走れていたのですが、、簡単なコースだけど、ちょっとした難しいアングルのジャンプがありバー落下波長が合わず とっても簡単なコースなのにクリーンランはナシ。。


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