
Rubber Dog Walk

街路樹もどんどん枯れています。 本当に恵みの雨です!

今週末は雨の後の過ごしやすい気温だったので ずっとやりたかった
色のついたラバーチップ は結構高くて、1キロ$9ドルもします!
なので以前買っていた 1kg$1のリサイクルタイヤのチップ利用して 黒いスキンにしてみました。

でも黒いラバーを使うのにかなりためらいもあって、一体犬にはこの黒ボードがしっかり見えるのかが心配でした。でも芝生の緑とのコントラストもあるし、去年一年間 何百回もドッグウォークを走らせたのでマッスルメモリーもしっかり記憶されてるはず。あと夏はかなり暑くなりそう。。でもとりあえずやってみました!
思っていた以上に見た目も悪くないし やっぱりふわふわの柔らかいラバーは全然違う!
走りやすそう〜! 早く乾かないかなー!
使って見るのがたのしみ!あとは早く琴に復帰してもらうしかないー :)

We finally had a precious rain this weekend! 
Hopefully most of the bush fire will be gone and give us back green grass!!

We finally did rubberized our dog walk because it was nice and cool temparature after the rain. 
wow, what a job! 
It took two of us for 4 hours to finish 3 boards and one balance board. 
It was a bit mess job but 4 hours isn't too bad! 

First of all, we had a very tight budget.  
We couldn't afford to get co loured rubber chips :( 
which cost $9/per kilo.
and resin binder cost $6/per litter. 
So we decided to use the most cheapest option to rubberizing. 
We've bought 5 kg of coloured chip for contact area, but we used
a bag of recycled car tire rubber chip, which was only $1/per kilo. 
We used about 15kg of black rubber chips, 5kg of coloured rubber,
and 5 litter of binder. 

So total cost of rubber skin was about $100. I think its not bad at all! it will improve dogs safety and they can maybe run in their best, and we will be using DW for long time!

One thing that I have been worried is if the dogs can see the black dog walk 
well when they are running in full speed? 
Pretty sure that they do have muscle memory since they have run over the dog walk 100s and 100s of times for one year. 
And there will be contrast with green grass, pretty sure that they will get used to it, and its so much softer and smooth edge!
Very happy that we don't need to worried about slipping anymore! 
I can't wait then to get dry and use it :)

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