
Powerful installation

もう9月だ!今年は時間がたっぷりあるのに、お小遣いが少ないためあまり美術館へはいけていないが、インパクトを受けたのが森美術館でみたハバナで活動するキューバのアーティストLos Carpinterosの"In the Frozen Study of a Disaster" 凄く繊細なほんの一瞬の瞬間をピアノ線で天井からコンクリートの欠片を吊るし、表現されていた。凄く力強かった
Wow, Its already September!! I haven't been much exhibitions this year, but one of the strong impact installation was from Havana-based Cuban artists Marco Castillo and Dagoberto Rodriguez,who make up the collective Los Carpintero at Mori-Art Museum when I was in Tokyo, June called ‘In the Frozen Study of a Disaster’ — The concrete wall explosion that looks like a bomb blast. Pieces of concrete blocks were strings up by fishing wires. It was very powerful !

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