
Zeljko Course 5 Retry

FFC(Forced Front Cross)の位置と私の動きが大きすぎてニアの動きが膨らんでいた様なのでそこを何度か練習して、あとはラップターン、ラップターンの反対側へプッシュの練習やあとは出来なかった所を再チャレンジ。。
あとは全て 私のタイミング次第〜 !

I have re-try Zeljko's lesson after read his comment. 
I retry FFX, because he said "you are going little bit to much to the left side of the wing so he doesn’t take the jump immediately.  There he is loosing nice line to take the jump directly. Lap turn option, Push to the other side option.. and some parts that we couldn't do." 

So first part is re-thinking of my motion and position of FFC. 
And he showed me more options on Lap turn and push to the other side. 
and some parts that we had problems :) 

Niah is getting better with Lap turn and push to the other side. 
Now, I just need to work on Blind Cross, Double Blind Cross and Ketschker's timing.. All about my timing!!! 

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