
Karakuni-Dake Hiking







前日テレビでGrate Traverse日本二百名山 をみたし、久しぶりの登山だったので登れる程のスタミナがあるのかちょっと不安だったんだけど、いざ登り出したら速い速い。
なんとも元気がでる山で パワフルに一気に登れました! とってもやさしい1700mでした。
でも山頂からの眺めた絶壁は 恐い、、でもなぜか飛び降りたくなるような、ジャンプしたくなるような、覗くのもこわいような。。 


On 27th of December, I climbed the mountain called Karakuni-Dake in Miyazaki with my sister and her dogs. 
It was great little mountain for day hiking, and the view from the top was incredible, somewhat pieceful and yet powerful. 

Mount Karakuni is the highest peak on Mount Kirishima, which stretches across southern Kyushu. The peak stands about 1,700 m above sea level, and was formed by a volcanic eruption 17,000 years ago. The peak is topped by a caldera with a diameter of 800 m and a depth of 300 m, and the summit affords outstanding views of the other peaks on Mount Kirishima, as well as Sakurajima, an active volcano floating in Kagoshima Bay in the neighboring prefecture. Another attraction is the opportunity to see a diverse array of plants and wild deer. Panoramic views spread out before you.

-text from : http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/spot/natuscen/mt-Karakunidake.html

I was a bit anxious about if I have enough stamina for climbing, (since I haven't done much hikes since the last trave in Japan)  Because the night before, we watching Mountain Climbing tv program called Greate Traverse by Tanaka Yoki, challenging 200 mountains.
But it was opposite, This mountain was powerful! 
Made me wanna fly, 
Made me wanna jump into a massive crater lake, 
Made me wanna run to the top.  

Lovely hiking day and Enjoyed my self so much!! 

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