
Zeljko's lesson

すごく働きたいのに なかなか自分にピッタリ合った仕事が見つからない。。
こんな状況だと ついついエモーショナルになりがちですが、
それから自分のスキルも信じて前向きに行く!のです :)

でもアジリティやってて本当によかった:0 すごくいい息抜きになる〜

スピードと色々なチャレンジが程よく 混ざっていて走ってて本当に楽しいんです。

Sorry for not updating our agility journey lately. 
I am still riding emotional roller coaster, since my previous work contract has finished and being back in job hunting! 

Well, I am believing being jobless won't last so long,
I trust my self. 

I just need to brush up what I do, and enjoy agility in between :) 

I have start private agility lesson with Zeljko Gora since the end of last year.
I am very happy with his very fun courses, which has great balance of extension and tightness. Its a mixture of speed and various challenges that require to try few options to see whats the most suitable for me and Niah. His coaching comment is so comprehensive yet so much to details. In addition to that, he is designing a course for me individually, using what obstacles I own. 
He will send me a course, and run it on my own way first -  
then he will send me how to handle it with breakdown sequence with numbers of options, He watch my video, send me handling suggestion and detailed explanations. 
He is probably one of the best agility teacher I have ever had :) 

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