
hisashiburi no Hanging Rock

メルボルンから50分で行けるピクニックにピッタリな岩山ハンギングロックに久しぶりに友達と犬達と行ってきました。 小さいけどいついっても神秘的で穏やかで楽しい時間が過ごせます。今回は途中で雨が降って残念でしたが、琴ニアも楽しかったみたい♪
we went to Hanging Rock last weekend, and it has been awhile since we visit there ages ago.. we always have good time in this little rocks and sure koto & niah enjoyed a lot. it started to rain in between but we enjoyed little rock hill climbing!


Marie o Fen said...

Hi, I'm a "Silvia Trkman-fan" and found your videos from her puppy class. Niah is very beautiful and seems like a cool and clever dog! :o)

I have a 9½ year old bc bitch and we also love to play around with all sorts of tricks.

I was also glad to see that you live in (or close by) Melbourne. Just love that city since I spend 6 months there years ago!

best regards!
/Marie and Fen

emi said...

Hi Marie and Fen!

Thank you for leaving a message!
I am very happy to hear silvia's class mate comment!

Where are you from?
Australia is beautiful country and great for dogs ;)

Please come to visit our blog again!

mika said...



emi said...

そうかも!コトはいつも直ぐに動くから、完全停止が出来るニアのほうが一眼レフだと撮りやすいのよね(^^) もっと頑張って撮りますU^ェ^U