
hoop trick

投げ輪が完全に出来る様になった。3日程掛かったが、輪をガーデン用のホースで作り直し真ん中の穴を大きくして、くわえやすくしたら直ぐに要領を掴んで翌日には10投中8−9投は確実に入る様になった!教え方はクリッカーを使うと以外と簡単!まずこの遊びのコンセプトを見せる為、輪が入ったらクリック、おやつというのを私がやってみせた。すぐに「私もやる〜!」モードに。初めはポールをターゲットにして鼻でタッチ、クリック、おやつ。次は輪を持ってターゲットにタッチ、クリック、おやつ。 最後は輪をゆっくりポールに掛けて落とす、クリック、おやつ!


(Before play this video, turn volume down.. very loud..)
Yes! koto finished learning hoop trick! I realized baby toy hoop was too small so made them bigger ring out of garden hose and now she can put them into pole 8-9 out of 10 throw! First of all, I show her the concept of this game. She gets very excited and wanted to try straight away! First Target was touch middle pole on her nose, then click and treats, second catch the hoop and bring back to target, then click and treat. Next was hook the hoop into the pole softly, then click and treats! Clicker training is great way to communicate with her and
She is a girl who is always enthusiastic about learning new tricks and commands.

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