
liver brownie

先週の日曜日、ディーンが琴のおやつにレバーのブラウニーを作った。が、フードプロセッサーでレバーをかき回す音が最悪。。それにオーブンで焼き始めた時はもう倒れそうなくらいの強烈な匂いが家中立ちこめて、もう我慢出来ずに外に出なきゃ行けないくらい。。でも琴はこれがたまらないみたい。集中力倍増、とにかく何でも言う事聞きます。最近覚えた”立って”(2本脚で)のコマンド 練習中!
Dean made liver brownies last sunday. It was absolutely awful sound when mix liver in food professer..
It was terrible strong smell when baking.. It was hard job.
BUT.. Koto LOVEs it. she behives, she focas on me, she will do anytihng for it.
absolutely stinky- good treat for training.

*Raw liver (we used half kilo beef liver, $4 /kilo)
*any grated stinky cheeze
1 egg
1 cup flour
a bit of oil (olive or other)

Mix liver in food processor with oil, egg...Mix flour then Bake at 250digrees for 20-30 min.

serious forcus! She is actually on "stand up" command now.

then beg!! give me that yammy thing 〜


Anonymous said...

なるかもねー^^ そんな臭かったら近所にやばくない!?
手ゴネでもよさそうだけどね!  mika

emi said...

いや〜換気扇つけてれば近所には におわないと思うよ。 フードブロセッサーないなら、レバーをお肉屋さんでミンチにしてもらうとか。。

Anonymous said...

look how excited Koto is~ keke
Koto is soooo cute~~ p(>///<)q
Erina S

emi said...

thank you for the comment Erina:)
Yeah she can stand up on her hind legs! pretty funny. hope you can meet her sometime soon!!