鍋シーズン到来!金曜は友達のサバスと彼の彼女のミサンと一緒にこの冬初鍋&初酒、初焼酎。久しぶりに作ったカニ鍋、鳥とレンコンとシソ団子、春菊、白菜、ニラ、椎茸、長ネギ、マロニーとまるで日本にいるような新鮮な素材が手に入るのもメルボルンならでは。美味しかった〜 土曜はインテリアデザインのクラスメイトだったHungとSimonの家に食事へ。彼は一人で約20人分の食事を前菜の鳥レバーのパテやダックとオレンジソース、そしてデザートにはレモンパイにケーキにプリン。。凄い!フルコース。まるで彼のレストランに呼ばれたようなおもてなしです。テーブルデコレーションも凄い。学校の先生なども来てましたがみんな感動してました。素晴らしい人達にも出会えたしすてきな夜でした。テーブルデコレーション、参考にさせてもらいます!
We had a great weekend. Finally Nabe (Japanese Hot Pot) and hot sake season is here! We had a nabe with my dear friend saavas and his gf, mi san on friday. First nabe in the season is always good. I cooked crab stock and chicken mice, lotus root and Shiso harb meat ball, boiled Daikon and lots of fresh vegitable. Saturday, we went to my ex-classmate friend hung's house for dinner. He cooked amazing chicken liver pate and turkish bread, duck with orange souce, rice with coconuts milk and chicken stock!! Everything he cooked was just wonderful, it was like full course meal at his restaurant! Beautiful table setting too! It was great catching up with my soft furnishing teacher John and Eva from RMIT and thank you for lovely lovely dinner and being great host to Hung and Simon.
Dinner at Hung & Simon's house.
This is Hung on the left and John my soft furnishing teacher on the right
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