写真は琴の兄弟達。まだ会った事がなくて、会いたくてたまらない。琴をブリーダーから購入した際、琴の母は現役シープドッグなのでお産後4週間で仕事に戻らなければいけなかったらしく 丁度同じ時期にボーダーコリーの子供が生まれた別のブリーダー(こちらも琴の家族犬)が一緒に面倒を見て子犬を売っていたので会えなかったパピボー達。いつか絶対あえると信じてこれからも探し続けるつもり。Pic 4 は琴ちゃん
These photos are Koto's missing siblings. I have been dreaming about meeting them since I have got Koto and trying to contact with their owners throgh the breeder, but we have't have a lack to meeting them. I will keep looking for them, don't want to give this dream up yet. picture no.4 is koto.
もちろん同胎なんでしょ? オトナ顔やね。
みんなカワイイ・・ mika
たぶん みんな今では琴みたいに ものすごいハイパーっぷりなんだろうね〜
Which breeder is Koto from?
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Koto is from the Farm in Colac, Victoria. I bought her from "Bell air border collie" in Colac. I actually never met her parents. her mum went back to sheep herding work when she was 6 weeks old. And I didn't get a chance to see her unfortunately.. Do you recognize her litter mate?
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Koto is from the Farm in Colac, Victoria. I bought her from "Bell air border collie" in Colac. I actually never met her parents. her mum went back to sheep herding work when she was 6 weeks old. And I didn't get a chance to see her unfortunately.. Do you recognize her litter mate?
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