Yellow season
今週は天気がいい日が多くてとても過ごし易かった。寒くて長い冬の毎日がやって来るけど 緩やかな日差しと柔らかいYellowにホッとするこのごろ。
It's getting cold here. Winter is just arrived to our town. Footpass has changing to thick yellow leave carpet, Soft sunshine reflect beautifuly to yellow trees and winter plants. It was very nice and sunny weekend.
From the car window
車でサウスバンクを走っていて目に飛び込んで来た建物。新しいビルで 推測ではVictorian College of Artの一部ではないかと思う。とにかく難しい造りだ。是非ビルの中も見てみたい。少し伊藤豊雄の建築に似てませんか?
Pictures from car window.
what a complicated building!It's located on southbank in melbourne city, it's was quite eye catching and stanning from the distance. I haven't been inside of the building and don't what is this building for. I assume its a part of Victorian college of Art. Reminds me Toyo Ito's building a bit..
Oyster party
I cock deep fried oyster with tar tar sauce, garlic stair fried oyster, and japanese sauce with yuzu for fresh one.
Collin made wonderful thai-style sauce with coriander,chili, lime and fish sauce, and he also brought Tetsuya's oyster sauce! Great to try various type of oyster and it was fantastic night with wines and laughter.
Koto behave like good teenager too.
Monkey the scarly cat
Monkey didn't come home last night.
There was a party where Monkey usually hung out during the day, I think she couldnt't come out. there were too many people hunging out and drunk. She is shy and scarly cat. We went to pick her up in this morning and she seems very happy to finally got her dinner and breakfast!
Chris Jordan
Depicts 106,000 aluminum cans, the number used in the US every thirty seconds.
Depicts one million plastic cups, the number used on airline flights in the US every six hours.
Depicts one million plastic cups, the number used on airline flights in the US every six hours.
Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.
Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.
Depicts 60,000 plastic bags, the number used in the US every five seconds.
Depicts 60,000 plastic bags, the number used in the US every five seconds.
Depicts 410,000 paper cups, equal to the number of disposable hot-beverage paper cups used in the US every fifteen minutes.
Depicts 410,000 paper cups, equal to the number of disposable hot-beverage paper cups used in the US every fifteen minutes.
His photographic art told me very important reality of the world. I am awake and I've got an awareness to every moment when I consuming products. I can only make small change, but I want to stop hurting our precious planet. It is NOT only Amarica. I was Japanese comsumer and I am here in Australia. My next step is always remember his message and to be a good designer who can advise good ESD to the people who is not yet awake.
key of comfort living
土曜の日課として花をマーケットの帰りに買う事にしている。犬と暮らしていくには家の匂いには気を配らなければならない。琴は2週間に1度必ずシャンプーしているが、それと同時に週2度の掃除機と良い香りの花を飾る事を心がけている。今週はtea treeの花。小さくて温かくてとても可愛い。レモンのような柑橘系の甘すっぱい香りがする。すべての部屋に花があるのは本当に気持ちいい!
I bought Tea tree flower this week. It is very nice to have flowers all over the place! It has been very important routine to have scentful flowers once or twice a week, burn aroma oil, vaccuum twice a week and ofcause wash miss Koto quite often ! This is key of comfortable life with doggy!
Walking practice
これだけ毎日呼び戻しとヒールウォーキングの練習しているのにやっぱり まだまだ信用出来ない。もちろんだいぶ上達しているし、朝の散歩はきっちりやってくれるが、
鳥がいたり、何か気になる事があったら 引っ張る。10歩歩くと前にでる。
We have been spending a lots of time for recalling and heeling practice, but Koto is still too excitable when she got out of house or car. We can't trast her yet.She heel for 10 steps then pull..tell her to "come back" then she will come back to heeling position with strange side way jump. School on saturday was difficult to get her focus. She loves smelling on the ground. She turend to 15 month old on Sunday. Next week is heeling, forcus, and recall assesment.
liver brownie
先週の日曜日、ディーンが琴のおやつにレバーのブラウニーを作った。が、フードプロセッサーでレバーをかき回す音が最悪。。それにオーブンで焼き始めた時はもう倒れそうなくらいの強烈な匂いが家中立ちこめて、もう我慢出来ずに外に出なきゃ行けないくらい。。でも琴はこれがたまらないみたい。集中力倍増、とにかく何でも言う事聞きます。最近覚えた”立って”(2本脚で)のコマンド 練習中!
Dean made liver brownies last sunday. It was absolutely awful sound when mix liver in food professer..
It was terrible strong smell when baking.. It was hard job.
BUT.. Koto LOVEs it. she behives, she focas on me, she will do anytihng for it.
absolutely stinky- good treat for training.
*Raw liver (we used half kilo beef liver, $4 /kilo)
*any grated stinky cheeze
1 egg
1 cup flour
a bit of oil (olive or other)
Mix liver in food processor with oil, egg...Mix flour then Bake at 250digrees for 20-30 min.
serious forcus! She is actually on "stand up" command now.
then beg!! give me that yammy thing 〜
Chair for my back
Miss K01 from ChairBiz
Elle from ChairBiz
I have been looking for office chair for my small size body with good ergonomics design. I found it is not easy to look for it within my budget and size. I will upload some chair pics as a memo in this blog so I will be able to finally decide near future..
Welcome to my new ocha wan
Koto's brothers and sisters
写真は琴の兄弟達。まだ会った事がなくて、会いたくてたまらない。琴をブリーダーから購入した際、琴の母は現役シープドッグなのでお産後4週間で仕事に戻らなければいけなかったらしく 丁度同じ時期にボーダーコリーの子供が生まれた別のブリーダー(こちらも琴の家族犬)が一緒に面倒を見て子犬を売っていたので会えなかったパピボー達。いつか絶対あえると信じてこれからも探し続けるつもり。Pic 4 は琴ちゃん
These photos are Koto's missing siblings. I have been dreaming about meeting them since I have got Koto and trying to contact with their owners throgh the breeder, but we have't have a lack to meeting them. I will keep looking for them, don't want to give this dream up yet. picture no.4 is koto.
Simple dress for wedding
でもPartnerには なんか凄く80’sだねっとコメントされて?
靴も探さないと〜 こちらは冬本番、ブーツの季節だ。日本と季節が逆だから今のうちに探しておかないとね。
I've got a dress for my friend wedding in June in Japan. I think its very Australian design to me, simple but there is "hand made feel" overall. little different to what I useally choose. I need to find high-heel for it!
Rafty Lake Park
dinner party season
鍋シーズン到来!金曜は友達のサバスと彼の彼女のミサンと一緒にこの冬初鍋&初酒、初焼酎。久しぶりに作ったカニ鍋、鳥とレンコンとシソ団子、春菊、白菜、ニラ、椎茸、長ネギ、マロニーとまるで日本にいるような新鮮な素材が手に入るのもメルボルンならでは。美味しかった〜 土曜はインテリアデザインのクラスメイトだったHungとSimonの家に食事へ。彼は一人で約20人分の食事を前菜の鳥レバーのパテやダックとオレンジソース、そしてデザートにはレモンパイにケーキにプリン。。凄い!フルコース。まるで彼のレストランに呼ばれたようなおもてなしです。テーブルデコレーションも凄い。学校の先生なども来てましたがみんな感動してました。素晴らしい人達にも出会えたしすてきな夜でした。テーブルデコレーション、参考にさせてもらいます!
We had a great weekend. Finally Nabe (Japanese Hot Pot) and hot sake season is here! We had a nabe with my dear friend saavas and his gf, mi san on friday. First nabe in the season is always good. I cooked crab stock and chicken mice, lotus root and Shiso harb meat ball, boiled Daikon and lots of fresh vegitable. Saturday, we went to my ex-classmate friend hung's house for dinner. He cooked amazing chicken liver pate and turkish bread, duck with orange souce, rice with coconuts milk and chicken stock!! Everything he cooked was just wonderful, it was like full course meal at his restaurant! Beautiful table setting too! It was great catching up with my soft furnishing teacher John and Eva from RMIT and thank you for lovely lovely dinner and being great host to Hung and Simon.
Dinner at Hung & Simon's house.
This is Hung on the left and John my soft furnishing teacher on the right
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