Nationals 3-5 Days
Photos from Animal Action Shot (Niki Drage) Thank you!!!
Ahh! If you are ever visiting here few times, So sorry, I totally abandon my blog for awhile, Its been somewhat chaotic days, and I just didn't have time for my diary!
So.. Its been too long to report the nationals now, so quickly (in English!)
Niah and I couldn't get to the final because of unlucky one bar!! every run, and he also gets scared of see-saw and totally refused to go to Dog walk and See saw.
I didn't run all the agility unforturately.
Koto and Dean did awesome on Sunday's JDM final and the acutally clear run with Dean's amazing calmness and concentration. I always suprise how good is Dean, when he does things in the most nervous situations, He is really amazing husband (sometimes!!)
And I am so so proud of my crazy Koto did her best, jumping the height she hasn't jump for 2 years, stayed calm and did exactly Dean asked! Very good girl :)
本当に今更なのですが、Australian National の続き!
JDMの最後のコースは結構タイトでちまちまコース、こういうの、私とニアはかなり得意なんだけど、最後Forced Front Cross をするつもりだったところ、、ふっと忘れてしまい、あわててPush backに変更したせいでニアとぶつかりそうになり、バー落下。。
The Nationals 1-3 days.
The Nationals officially started on Wednesday, and we needed check in on Tuesday,
it is nearly a week of agility while you are camping or staying in this area.
We thought our dogs are not fit enough to do agility for 5 days, in fact they are just came back from injury and not enough muscle to support their strength.
On Wednesday was pretty crappy weather and we just stayed in Bed and totally relaxed at beach walk! We also did shopping not in lush, then finally drove to the Wirrina cove!
The location was spectacular, it was more than I was expected, surrounded by nature and ocean, such a pretty area to do agility while you are camping in the cove!
We put up our tent, cooked dinner properly, eat well - then finally ready for the event!
Thursday was beautiful day, and both Koto and Niah were looking good at Jumping.
Niah had unfortunate 1 bar, but Koto was lucky enough to get to the 9th!!! and qualified for the final!! woo hoo!!
Unfortunately, Niah had a terrible experience at the practice area's see saw, it was bad see saw and made huge bang noise, he freaked out and decided to continued to freak out on his favorite Dog Walk as well :( it was hardbreaking that he couldn't even stand at Dog walk. I scratched from every agility event. it was sad..
Friday, we had massive storm!! so event was cancelled!! well, I thought it was great decision, dog's safety is the most important and saving the ground for the weekend was very good idea!!
あまりいい天気ではなかったし、朝ゆっくりベットでごろごとおもいっきりゆっくり休んだあと、ビーチに行ったりのんびり買物をしてからいざ会場のWirrina Coveへ!
木 曜日のジャンピングはとってもいい調子!JDM(ジャンピングドックマスター、3度?)の出場犬数が190頭ほどだったので、3日間で3回あるジャンピン グで上位9匹までに入ったペアががファイナルへ進めるという仕組み。ニアと私はあいにくの1barでファイナル件は貰えず。。
こ の日 アジリティ出走前に練習エリアでニアとシーソーの練習をしていたら、雨で滑ってしまい、ちょっと壊れかけのシーソーがかなり大きな音をたてたので、 本当にビビってしまい、、、なんと、ニアくんシーソーにも大好きなドッグウォークにもまったく登らなくなってしまった。。
夕方 もう一度練習エリアでシーソーとドッグウォークをクリッカーとディナーボールを持って練習した所、更に恐怖が悪化していたので、練習終了、残念だけど、全てのアジリティ競技を辞退しました。

it is nearly a week of agility while you are camping or staying in this area.
We thought our dogs are not fit enough to do agility for 5 days, in fact they are just came back from injury and not enough muscle to support their strength.
On Wednesday was pretty crappy weather and we just stayed in Bed and totally relaxed at beach walk! We also did shopping not in lush, then finally drove to the Wirrina cove!
The location was spectacular, it was more than I was expected, surrounded by nature and ocean, such a pretty area to do agility while you are camping in the cove!
We put up our tent, cooked dinner properly, eat well - then finally ready for the event!
Thursday was beautiful day, and both Koto and Niah were looking good at Jumping.
Niah had unfortunate 1 bar, but Koto was lucky enough to get to the 9th!!! and qualified for the final!! woo hoo!!
Unfortunately, Niah had a terrible experience at the practice area's see saw, it was bad see saw and made huge bang noise, he freaked out and decided to continued to freak out on his favorite Dog Walk as well :( it was hardbreaking that he couldn't even stand at Dog walk. I scratched from every agility event. it was sad..
Friday, we had massive storm!! so event was cancelled!! well, I thought it was great decision, dog's safety is the most important and saving the ground for the weekend was very good idea!!
あまりいい天気ではなかったし、朝ゆっくりベットでごろごとおもいっきりゆっくり休んだあと、ビーチに行ったりのんびり買物をしてからいざ会場のWirrina Coveへ!
木 曜日のジャンピングはとってもいい調子!JDM(ジャンピングドックマスター、3度?)の出場犬数が190頭ほどだったので、3日間で3回あるジャンピン グで上位9匹までに入ったペアががファイナルへ進めるという仕組み。ニアと私はあいにくの1barでファイナル件は貰えず。。
こ の日 アジリティ出走前に練習エリアでニアとシーソーの練習をしていたら、雨で滑ってしまい、ちょっと壊れかけのシーソーがかなり大きな音をたてたので、 本当にビビってしまい、、、なんと、ニアくんシーソーにも大好きなドッグウォークにもまったく登らなくなってしまった。。
夕方 もう一度練習エリアでシーソーとドッグウォークをクリッカーとディナーボールを持って練習した所、更に恐怖が悪化していたので、練習終了、残念だけど、全てのアジリティ競技を辞退しました。
SA Agility Nationals trip Day:2-3 at Goolwa holiday
We really loved laid back little town Goolwa and Victor Habour.
There are quite many old aged people lives there but also had nice sight seeing places and cute cafe and nice restaurants. We enjoyed walking around the town and also visit bird sanctuary national park island, let the dogs to stretch out their legs, and watched beautiful sunset. Very relaxing time!!
During the day, we did a bit of practice jumping with our portable wing jumps!
wow, they are really awesome! so light weight and we can do jumping anywhere we go!
翌日 時間がゆっくり流れる穏やかな港町GoolwaとVictor Harbourを
散歩してみました。鳥だけが住む島、Coorong National Park, バードサンクチュアリーエリアをコーヒーを飲みながら観光して、夕方には凄く奇麗な夕日をボーと見て過ごし、
翌日は最近購入したポータブルジャンプを持って 公園でジャンピングの練習をしました。
このジャンプ、凄く軽いし良く出来てる上に、持ち運びができてどこでもジャンピングができる 優れもの〜❤ イイネ!
There are quite many old aged people lives there but also had nice sight seeing places and cute cafe and nice restaurants. We enjoyed walking around the town and also visit bird sanctuary national park island, let the dogs to stretch out their legs, and watched beautiful sunset. Very relaxing time!!
During the day, we did a bit of practice jumping with our portable wing jumps!
wow, they are really awesome! so light weight and we can do jumping anywhere we go!
翌日 時間がゆっくり流れる穏やかな港町GoolwaとVictor Harbourを
散歩してみました。鳥だけが住む島、Coorong National Park, バードサンクチュアリーエリアをコーヒーを飲みながら観光して、夕方には凄く奇麗な夕日をボーと見て過ごし、
翌日は最近購入したポータブルジャンプを持って 公園でジャンピングの練習をしました。
このジャンプ、凄く軽いし良く出来てる上に、持ち運びができてどこでもジャンピングができる 優れもの〜❤ イイネ!
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