
Master of Walking

今週は ニアの足の治療から15週目。私達のアクティヴィティは郊外へ出かけて散歩!
始めた頃は 毎日6キロ歩くのは以外と 時間が掛かるし大変だと思っていたけど、今では楽勝!2時間くらいの歩きは本当に楽にこなせる様になり、私達の足は筋肉むきむき!


琴ニアごめんよー でも私達はわくわく!

It's 15th week since Niah's Stem Cell and PRP injection operation.  We've been banned to go to the beach, not much agility or any activities, only we have done is mild long distance walking.  But we've been really good at it, we walked many different surburb to keep us more entertain ourself for daily walk. Most of the night, we walked about 5-7km. It takes time and also our legs gets stronger!   
I was hoping to start jogging and mild no-bar agility around this time.. Finger crossed for Malcolm's approval for jogging at tomorrow's vet visit. He has been away for over 2 weeks.  

Anyways, we needs more exercise and get fit, and Dean's Birthday is also coming this weekend.. So I just booked accommodation to go to Mt. Hotham National Park, stay tehre for 2 nights and do proper long hiking.  We are actually quite excited about it. 
Sorry Koto and Niah, it's no dogs allowed and you guys needs to rest!   
I don't need to worried about snake!!

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