
Beautiful Deco at Rainbow

Sunset from the hill

Children instrumental made out of Gas bottle! Very clever.
Dream Catcher
Dreamy Cuppa Chaps

Rainbow Gate made out of Spoon!

レインボーから帰って来た。今年はDJのラインアップが本当にダメ だったが、相変わらすデコレーションは本当に最高!キャンプサイトからステージに繋がる所に7色のスプーンで出来たレインボー。アーティストの個性がたっ ぷりでた素晴らしい装飾達。それからSchool of DubというバンドがまるでMMWを思わせる程凄くかっこよかった。あとはファイアースピンフェスティバルで優勝したダンサー達!もうその場から動けなく なってしまう程凄く奇麗だった!

Came back from Rainbow Serpent Festival. The best thing I have seen at rainbow was Artist Decotations, the band called "School of dub" Reminds me a lot of MMW!! and also Spin Fire festival winners performance. DJs line up were pretty bad this year but there were excellent things to do, like yoga , capoella, stretch, juggling etc. I enjoyed life style village so much and also beautiful new site with many stars and sunset! It was nice 4 days of festival.


Anonymous said...

Hey Emi, yeah I totally agree with you about music, but at the same time I might have missed some as I spent a lot of time on the hill and in friends' campsites etc... It was so much FUN though. Thanks for your lovely company... until next year xX kana

emi said...

コメントありがとう!Yeah right??
The best moment was hanging around at campsites and on the hill!! I enjoyed your company so much! Hopefully we can have another camping again somewhere in Victoria:) Catch up soon ne