今日のレッスンはボーダー飼いの先生Trishから他の犬への威嚇に対する対処方法を教えてもらった。用は今まで私が追掛けを避ける為にやって来た”的となる物”に慣れさせる!これが基本。威嚇する犬を琴が見たら、直ぐに気をそらせて、その犬を無視して私とアイコンタクトを取らせる、私を見てくれたらすぐに クリック、オヤツ!少し的との距離を縮めてこの繰り返し、距離をどんどん近くしても威嚇せず無視できる用になるまで繰り返す。
本当に社会科の重要性と社会科不足だった事をつくづく感じる今日この頃。今日は28度と凄く温かかったので夕方、隣町のCollingwood children's Farmへ出かけて羊や馬を琴にみせてこのトレーニングをやってみた!なんだっ以外と簡単。安心してゆっくり馬や羊と触れ合う事が出来た♪
I have got a great advice to prevent Koto's fear aggression from her school teacher Trish today, it was quite simple strategy, Koto only needs to see the target dog, then make her focus on me, Click, and Treats! Go to a little bit closer to the target, then repeat this practice again and again. we just need to let her used to the target, then reward for ignoring it. I use the same strategy to let her use to fast moving objects such as motorbikes and bicycles. We only needs to practice her socialization!!
We tried this practice at the Colling wood childrens farm today to let koto to used to Sheeps, horses today. It was actually quite easy lesson! She could check out hourses in no time!
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