今日は琴のオビーディエンスのレベルテストがあったが 毎日練習した成果を十分に発揮出来て見事にパス!来週からは中級クラスのIntermediate!このBasic Classは1年掛けてやっとパス出来る犬もいるなか、琴は見事に5ヶ月でやり遂げた。少し遅いスタートだったし長い道のりだったが確実に伸びている。改めて感じたが確実な犬の行動よりもハンドラーの確実な指示と態度。これが一番大切 琴よりも私達が成長した印だから尚更嬉しかった!
Koto had an Obedience level check today. We have been practicing every single day and she performed very well and pass ! It was great reward for us, She finished the Basic level in 5 month which is pretty good result compared to other dogs progress. I strongly realized again the most important thing in dog training is all about handler's clear commands and how we could develop trust and respect in between us. We will start Intermediate class from next week.