2018 - I needed to have rest from online. As I was working everything by online, and taking online education courses, online conversation with family. and fall asleep while looking at instagram, waking up with looking though Facebook...
it's just new generation, how it is in year 2000.. but It was nice to be away to not spend extra time writing online blog.
Biggest event happened in 2018 was Niah's shoulder injury, and he spend about 4month wearing hobble. It was the most miserable year for him. He lost every muscle, enthusiasm, and started worried about environment ever than before, and he was very unstable, un predictable. It was very sad and frustrating year.
But Great things also happened at the same time.
High light was going back to Japan, I had a great time with my family and catch up with beloved dear friends! Also we travel to Europe, did amazing hiking in Italian mountain, then went to Sweden to see Agility World Championship again :)
And again, we host Zeljko Gora seminar in Australi, travel together to New Zealand was fabulous. I will write again when I am motivated to write a report of these wonderful experiences.
And 2019 - Here we come!
Brand new year started with full of hope and enthusiasm.
First of all, Meet our dream puppy Kai.
We started a new year by driving 6000km along the coast to pick up a
puppy from QLD. well, it took so long but Mr. Whitey (puppy name) is now called "Kai"
(it means Ocean in Japanese)
The name "Kai" suits our life style. Dean
used to surf and we love swimming, running in the ocean with our dogs.
Kai has gorgeous temperament and he is very intelligent puppy with a
unique-mostly white marking and very dark face – which is perfect to
spend time in Australian summers and beaches - No sunburn and body stays
Kennel name : RURedyfor Kai.
He daddy is Kinloch Aaron, Mummy is Kinloch Genie.
I will start writing my blog again for our training record :)
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