
o/e seminar in Sydney 2016.

As soon as I came back from Europe, I went to Sydney for agility seminar road trip.
It is just next to Victoria -  but Australia is HUGE country :) going to next state actually takes 8-10 hours by car! so it was big road trip for me to get out of jet lag and tiredness from the long long overseas trip.  

And ofcause .. Niah and I are both not fit enough to do seminar this soon. 
But we did it.   We had about 5 days to jogging, and condition our self.
But it was not enough !! it was just raining really hard and back yard was too muddy to do any grid work or jumping. 
I obviously had too much delicious pasta in Italy and amazing tapas in Spain :)

The o/e seminar was great as previous year.   I love how Isabelle pushes student's comfort zone and make every new moves possible.  I did enjoy a lot with Isabelle, but
Jouni set up fast running course and somehow I was really stupid and 
I walk the course wrongly, I couldn't remember the course anymore and.. all I just want to say is I looked so stupid!!  Niah being cautious and not running, and me being lost... 
I don't even want to watch the video ever again.  (Thank you Penny for video taping those painful runs...) but it sure became bitter and sweet memory and I actually learn so so so much. 

Most important things I learn this time: 
1)  I need to put myself "Oh shoot, I need to RUN" situation.  
     I am leading his motivation at race. Do not give up, Do not make him slow. 
2) NO backward stepping.  Feet is always showing future pass. 
3) Be more aggressive with my command. (lol) Que clearly and fast.

ヨー ロッパから帰って慌ててo/eセミナーへシドニーまで行ったのですが、隣の州!といってもオーストラリアはやたら広くて、私の住むビクトリアからは車で9 時間程かかりました。旅行の疲れも時差ぼけもとれていなかったし、もちろん1ヶ月の旅行中、ディーンのパパの家の裏庭のペット状態だった琴とニアはなんに もエクササイズをしていなかったし、私もイタリア料理やタパスを食べ過ぎて動きが鈍い。。でもAWC観戦したばっかりだったから ヤル気だけはあったんだ けどね〜
でもやっぱりヤル気だけではダメでした。得にヨウニのスピーディなコースはもう、最悪。コース歩き間違えたし 覚えられないし、ニアはちんたら走るし、私も道に迷ってばかり。もうビデオも二度とみたくない。。でも色々と勉強になりました!


1)ヤバい 全速力ではしらないと!というような状況に自分をどんどん置いてとにかく
2)後ろ歩きをしない事。Feet always facing to the future!!! 
3)   コマンドをもっとはっきりと強くアグレッシブに。

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