
prize for being healthy! (sometimes!)

Koto and Niah was mostly injured for 2015, and 2016 but they both did really well in between! As I wrote before with Koto's National 3rd place, Niah also received 2 trophies from our agility club for gaining 2 titles. :)
I just loooove this wing jump trophy from England! very cute and very rewarding for what I do, such a great little prize!

去年も今年も怪我が多くて冴えない 年だったんだけど、怪我の合間の功績でなんとトロフィーを3つも頂きました!一つは以前も書いた、琴のナショナルジャンピングの3席、あと2つはニアの2年連続のタイトル取得でアジリティクラブから頂いたトロピィー!

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