We just came back from our very first Australian agility nationals trip from South Australia.
The event was hold at beautiful location right next to the Wirrina cove beach, stunning venue at the caravan park, it was fantastic event and organization and truly enjoyed our first Nationals experience.
We also loved most of the courses and enjoyed talking to friendly people.
Day 1−3: When we looked at not so pretty weather forecast, we decided to drive near the event venue but stay on the rental cottage to have a couple of days of relaxing. We stayed at the town called Goolwa, very laid back harbor town.
The dog friendly cottage we rented was really cute and loved it so much!! especially out door area with big gas heater, hammock and table tennis!
We had Janapese Nabe at the outdoor with heater, then played table tennis again and again! then go for walk along the ocean. what a fabulous 3 days :D
South Australiaで行なわれたナショナルチャンピオンシップの旅から帰ってきました。
イベントのロケーションが本当に最高で凄く奇麗な海のそば 大自然に囲まれたWirrina Cove。イベントのオーガナイズも素晴らしく、更にコースもなかなか楽しかったし、友達と一緒にキャンプができて楽しかった1週間でした。
うちからサウスオーストラリアまで8時間以上かかるので 週末から出発する予定でしたが、嵐のような天気だったので途中でのキャンプは変更してイベント会場から45分程の港町でコテージを借りてそこで3日間ゆっくり過ごす事にしました。
14th May, Saturday We were finally back to Agility trial with my own dogs!! Yes (s) believe it or not ?! Both Koto and Niah :) It's been 2 years since Koto attend trial, and 8 month since Niah's last trial.
so it was mostly like "first test driving our repaired dogs"
We were really pleased with Koto, she was not that stressed in trial environment and she actually jumped really nicely. There was a little mistakes, but nothing major.
We are happy that she could jump on her height comfortably.
Niah... wow, he was so very excited about running agility again, and he jumped beautifully,
I had handling mistake and made it all mess but I felt he is strong and jumping nicely, however, he was again, limping after the run.
Really don't know why. He is extremely sensitive dog, and Malcolm says it is
When injured and can't run.. you get some other skills...
Niah is now, officially super Towel dancer :)
ニア君、最近上手くなった タオルの舞の披露〜:)
やっぱり久しぶりだと上手く行かない所が多いけど、琴の私の動きの読みが本当によくてDouble Blind Crossのタイミングが遅かった時の琴の動きに感動!
Long time no Agility! but here we come back again.
Every time my dogs have agility rest, My Forced Front Cross get worth :) aaaahh
But I am so happy about how Koto is moving recently. She is reading our body signal so so well, specially my double blind cross's timing was late, she reacted perfectly.
Made my day!
Niah is also started to run again, but not yet perfect, he still limp here and there.
but really looking forward to training again :) Love agility!!