
Zeljko lesson 4 - 1st try

Never ending injury story is continuing! 
Koto torn her toenail and been limping around for one week. but it was very mild injury and she is finally back in training! phew!! 

あ、結構簡単そうじゃん!と見た瞬間は思ったけど、、琴はニアじゃないので簡単ではなかったです(笑)得にあんなに練習したForced Front Cross..なんでこうタイミングとポジションがずれてしまうのでしょうか。。 ダブルブラインドクロスも1秒遅い。

Here is our recent backyard fun with Zeljko's lesson. 
This is Koto's 4th lesson with Zeljko, but feels like we have been doing this course for ages! well, I guess it is because we always have those injury recovery period :P 

At first time I saw the course, I thought.. oh, it looks piece of cake!! 
but then realised that Koto is NOT Niah..  I practice FFX so many many times, but my position and timing are still late! Also double BX is also a second late. 
Pin wheel on #7 is wide and wide and I am always on her way... dahhh!!

BUT great thing is we have great lap turn :) I just need to wait for what Zeljko says! 


shaping -luring

A memo for myself!

I read Patricia B. McConnell blog: http://www.patriciamcconnell.com/theotherendoftheleash/
Fanny Gott blog: http://www.fannygott.com/

and these post from Fanny was very interesting, I love those discussion :) 
I would love to come back to read when I am teaching to my dogs something..


This is another blog I read. 
A Different topic, but need to know my training plan. 


Koto is 8 today!!

Koto! The most craziest dog in my life, always full speed, always wanting to play, always ready for me, the most beautiful and royal dog, a part of my soul. 
You became 8 years old today!

Many more crazy days, stay strong as you were in 7 years old. Stay healthy and avoid injury. 

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday!!


Niah's rehab

日に日に自分の足が強くなって来ているのを実感しています。 ニアと琴の足も強くなって来てたら良いな(いや、絶対なってるはず!!)レーザーセラピーも2週に一回に減ったし、来週からはジョギングも始められるとの事! 速くニアの足〜 よくな〜れ!
It has been already 11 weeks since Niah's PRP injury operation. 
We started Peanuts ball exercise for 2 min (sit and stand) Cavalatti for about 8 returns, 
and we have been night walking for about 1.5hours (About 6km 5days a week) 
This week we included hard hill on our walk, and did lot of swimming at the beach. 
I feel my legs are getting stronger :) Hope Niah and Koto's legs are getting stronger too!! (For sure !!) 

Lazer therapy decreased every 2 weeks now, and we will start jogging after 12 weeks. 
I really can't wait for him to start running again. He is a bit overweight now. 


never ending practice recipe

再度FFX 練習練習。。ラップターンなどもダメだなぁ〜

Keep on practicing!! 

Zeljko liked my FFX just before I left to Japan, but the last video, he was again dissapointed.. :(  so I was really careful with timing and position this time. 

Call to my side to Lap turn needs to practice as well.
those are my biggest challenge at the moment!
We are also getting back to basic, started tight turn and cik/cap re-training. 
I think its time to pull my Dog Walk out soon.. No contact training for ages!!

Never ending training receipes!!


Summer weekend in Melbourne



OMG!Already finished January of 2016!

I didn't write much about our adventure, but we are doing pretty well. 
It's been so dry - our back yard was completely turned to hard dried ground with nearly dying brown grass, but then -  we had precious rain!! a lot of rain... a bit too much rain!!! 

Not much agility actions these days.   We are just hanging out at the beach during the weekend and its been wonderful !Niah still can not run on the beach, but so far, his rehab is good - It's been 10 weeks since PRP operation!! Can't wait to finish our 12 weeks of rest and star running again.