My birthday is coming up next week... and I bought Dave Munning Seminar for my birthday present... BUT Niah can't run... so what to do?
only the answer is RUN WITH MY DOG KOTO :D
But ofcause, I am not so used to running her recently, plus she is so fast and jumping lower height... it is very difficult to hanldle her.. but I guess that bring us another level and we might become good team again!
so we've started practice again with Zeljko's course.
wow, I feels like I am not supporting her enough, She is always missing out the jumps, skipping obstacle, is it because of bad timing ? Hm.. anyways,
practice and practice! we will get there soon :)
来週は私の誕生日、なので誕生日プレゼントにDave Munningsのセミナーを随分前から買ってたんだけど、残念ながらニアは骨折で参加できません。。
まだ2週間あるし!という事で 琴と参加する事にしました。。
Broken toe :(
We found what was wrong with Niah's limping. He had small fracture, next to nail on his right front toe. He has to wear boots on when he go out to protect this toe. He is NOT happy about this very cool boots, already ripped into two!!
Lucky we bought a pair.
2足買ったけど、、高かったんですけど。 むやみな抵抗はやめて大人しく完治してください。
それにしても付き添いでくるだけでも VETが死ぬ程恐かった琴だけど、
ずっとご機嫌。 いつもボールで一緒に遊んでます。
Lucky we bought a pair.
2足買ったけど、、高かったんですけど。 むやみな抵抗はやめて大人しく完治してください。
それにしても付き添いでくるだけでも VETが死ぬ程恐かった琴だけど、
ずっとご機嫌。 いつもボールで一緒に遊んでます。
Country holiday at Avoca -Day 2 Dalwhinnie Wines visit -
Avoca holiday -1st day night out-
We did long walk around the town with dogs.
Slowly Slowly, and relaxing time.

Then, First night, we went out to the Tapas restaurant called Albion- and it was fantastic food and atmosphere! We really enjoy our dinner date ♥
No customers, means- we had entire restaurant on our own! Not that this restaurant is not popular, again, it was footballl grand final day and it is very important for Aussies.
Handmade interior and another stunning antique furniture collections made us cozy, and waiter man was very relaxed, kind man, and we realized that we were neighbors in our Melbourne home! He moved here about one year ago, and started his own restaurant about one year ago with his mother and wife. The restaurant was so much more than what we expected. Very happy!
初日の夜は久しぶりのタパスでデート。こんな田舎のレストランだからあまり期待派していなかったけど 美味しかった!でもフットボールのファイナルの日だったので、街の人達はテレビのあるパブに集まっていたようでお客さんは私達だけ!
Slowly Slowly, and relaxing time.
Then, First night, we went out to the Tapas restaurant called Albion- and it was fantastic food and atmosphere! We really enjoy our dinner date ♥
No customers, means- we had entire restaurant on our own! Not that this restaurant is not popular, again, it was footballl grand final day and it is very important for Aussies.
Handmade interior and another stunning antique furniture collections made us cozy, and waiter man was very relaxed, kind man, and we realized that we were neighbors in our Melbourne home! He moved here about one year ago, and started his own restaurant about one year ago with his mother and wife. The restaurant was so much more than what we expected. Very happy!
初日の夜は久しぶりのタパスでデート。こんな田舎のレストランだからあまり期待派していなかったけど 美味しかった!でもフットボールのファイナルの日だったので、街の人達はテレビのあるパブに集まっていたようでお客さんは私達だけ!
Country holiday at Avoca -Day 1-
We rent a country house for long weekend and had a very relaxing weekend. :)
We nomally do some activities, like hiking, or big beach walk or swimming, definitely do some sight seeing and walk around the area with dogs..
but this weekend, we just enjoyed reading books, watching movie, enjoyed cooking and eating out, normal weekend activities in the country town.
It was pretty nice.
We drove through fully bloomed bright yellow Canola filed.
Yellow has effect on cheering people's mind up, and yes it really does.
Made us very happy.
週末はカントリータウンのホリデーハウスを借りてゆっくりのんびりな3日間を過ごしてきました。普段のホリデーはアクティブにハイキングしたり、泳いだり、ビーチを3時間散歩したり、観光したりと行動派なのですが、ずっと忙しかったディーンと私の体調を整える為に こんかいはゆっくり過ごす事が目的。沢山本を読んで映画を見て一日は料理をして、もう一日は外食してとおもいっきりスローライフな時間を過ごしてきました。
The house we rent was pretty cute country style interior and courtyard.
Many colorful blankets, cushions, and ceramics, nice antique furniture made us very comfortable and welcoming.

The little town was very quiet.
It was football ground final weekend, so apparently, people were gathering at the pub to watch TV. we didn't see much people at all.
We had a nice long walk with dogs, enjoyed sunset and warm temparature -
finally T-shirts and Day light saving just started this night!!
のんびり楽しみました。 突然温かくなったメルボルン、この日は32℃まであがり、
Tシャツだけで外をあるけたのがとっても新鮮! サマータイムもこの日の夜に始まり、
Dog Friendly holiday house
Willyama retreat, 60 Boyce St, Avoca, VIC
We nomally do some activities, like hiking, or big beach walk or swimming, definitely do some sight seeing and walk around the area with dogs..
but this weekend, we just enjoyed reading books, watching movie, enjoyed cooking and eating out, normal weekend activities in the country town.
It was pretty nice.
We drove through fully bloomed bright yellow Canola filed.
Yellow has effect on cheering people's mind up, and yes it really does.
Made us very happy.
週末はカントリータウンのホリデーハウスを借りてゆっくりのんびりな3日間を過ごしてきました。普段のホリデーはアクティブにハイキングしたり、泳いだり、ビーチを3時間散歩したり、観光したりと行動派なのですが、ずっと忙しかったディーンと私の体調を整える為に こんかいはゆっくり過ごす事が目的。沢山本を読んで映画を見て一日は料理をして、もう一日は外食してとおもいっきりスローライフな時間を過ごしてきました。
Many colorful blankets, cushions, and ceramics, nice antique furniture made us very comfortable and welcoming.

The little town was very quiet.
It was football ground final weekend, so apparently, people were gathering at the pub to watch TV. we didn't see much people at all.
We had a nice long walk with dogs, enjoyed sunset and warm temparature -
finally T-shirts and Day light saving just started this night!!
のんびり楽しみました。 突然温かくなったメルボルン、この日は32℃まであがり、
Tシャツだけで外をあるけたのがとっても新鮮! サマータイムもこの日の夜に始まり、
Dog Friendly holiday house
Willyama retreat, 60 Boyce St, Avoca, VIC
Royal Melbourne show and roller coaster!
Photos by Sally Ryan from Tails & Trails photography
Royal Melbourne show is one of the biggest show in near the Melbourne ecity for family to interact with farm animals and experience animal shows and competitions. There are roller coaster and huge market too, it is a large family event that holds every year.
We tried jumping on Saturday, but as I guesses. (expected) my noise sensitive boy was on his edge of nervousness with all people, roller coaster noise, and this extreme environment...
The course looks extremely easy, but it had very weird angles so many of the dogs didn't get clear run, specially fast dogs had very difficult time. I really don't like those courses, just challenging with angle.. but well, I guess not too difficult on this environment was good thing for Niah. At least, he enjoyed first course :) He did great in the morning first course, but as soon as roller coaster next to the agility ring started to move, he completely shut down! and went into his world and shut me out :(
2nd video, he stopped running from the noise.
Oh well, I knew it and he did his best so we are happy! but probably not coming back next year :D
ロイヤルメルボルンショーというファミリー向けの大きなイベントが毎年市内近くで開催されます。内容は 農場の動物と触れ合う事ができたり、馬のショージャンピング、木こりレースや羊の毛狩りドッグショー、アジリティ、フリスビー、フライボール、など色々な競技が行なわれます。
今までエントリーしなかったのはニアは環境音にひどくセンシティブなので避けていたのですが、案の定、ジェットコースターが動き出した途端 まるでUFOでも見たかのように、
まだ上手く走れていたのですが、、簡単なコースだけど、ちょっとした難しいアングルのジャンプがありバー落下波長が合わず とっても簡単なコースなのにクリーンランはナシ。。
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