
Marysville Forest Trials - very easy and dog friendly

We went to short bushwalk trail with dogs last weekend.  
It was such a cold and cloudy- typical winter day, so probably bush walk was the most exciting thing to do for us.
Today's destination was the little town called Marysville.  
90% of the town was burned on 2009 Black Saturday.
Well, it has been 6 years since then and devastated town is back in normal busy little tourist area for cross country skiing, There was a big hotel/lecture center development has completed and town was looking new and vivid. 

So.. We thought it will be quite busy and freash bush walk, 
didn't expect this trail will be burned.. 
but it was! Most likely burned on purposely to prevent bush fire, 
so it was a bit disappointed by walking through burned forest.. 

Trail it self was very easy -  just about 1.5 hrs. Nicely marked, and easy to walk. 
Dogs off-lead no problem. 
but Not so exicitng landscape (even not burned) 

Koto and Niah found a huge Wombat hole on the ground - 
Looks like wombat was inside -  sleeping. Wombat is extremely strong,
they can kill dogs easily! so lets leave it alone and keep on moving :) 

というのもどんより曇りで凄く寒い週末だったので 出かけるのに気合いが必要でした!


犬なんて簡単に殺されてしまうので ここはさっさとスルーしましょう〜

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