
Garden up date!

What a great year it was!
Our house is looking good, Dean has been working so hard to grow those Banana tree and Banboo for screen.  Second year of Banana tree, we've got another banana flower! Hoping for banana will come next year.
Banboo is big and growing so well. Its just so pleasant to look out banboo from the window :)

AND guess what's different in our backyard?? 

Looks a bit larger? spacious?

YEEESS!! we finally got permisison to remove that ugly cloth line!
No more extreme agility.
So much more option for small sequence training.
Super happy!
Here is Amazing Dean working so hard to cut cloth line down for us :D



Camping at Shallow Inlet bush camp on the beach

 Find Koto~

We are camping last weekend at Shallow inlet.  
This is one of our favorite camp spot for summer, the best beach walk with Wilson's Prom's sensational mountains view and sand dune of Sandy Point.  it's perfect spot for water walking exercises. We had very hot 32 degrees weekend -  so it was just perfect weekend for it.   We walk about 2 hours on the beach walk, twice a day! My ankle is a bit sore from walking in the water for long.
There are many fish, and I saw big sting lay as well!! 

And we watched amazing sunset on the beach with dogs. 
Ocean was so calm, 
No-wind, it was almost like a lake. 

Very relaxed!! 
Long long walking..
Very tired :) 

海も砂も本当に奇麗なので 4年連続ここへ来ています。
波一つないかなり穏やかな海に沈む夕日、 まるで湖のようでした。




Merry Christmas!!


Agility at Emily's field

I had a brilliant day playing agility with friends, We had a special guest, Nina from Switzerland with her special dog Gin :)  She will be traveling Australia with her dog for one year, and she will be attending some agility trail in Australia while she is traveling around, how cool is that idea! 
And it was my very first time to meet a real PryShep :)
I've never seen them where I have lived.. Japan, Canada, and Australia! 
What a cool dog! 

Camilla met Nina at Silvia Trkman's seminar in Slovenia, and as I imagined - 
Nina's handling was amazing -  Always 5 meters in front of the dog. 
so clear, so smooth :) Loved watching her so much! 

Here are some awesome photos from Emily Irwin 
(Thank you so much Emily for amazing photos, amazing agility yard)

ジンは私の憧れの犬ピレニアンシェパード(のミックス) 今まで住んだ事のある国、日本、カナダ、オーストラリアには居なかった犬種で この犬種にずっとあってみたかったので嬉しかった!体高は46センチと琴と同じ。意外ときゃしゃで毛はふわふわ!ボーダーのインナーコートのような毛質。そして性格はやっぱりクレージーで愛嬌があって本当に可愛い。

 It was so nice to meet Nina, 
As you can imagine from this photo, 
she had such a beautiful energy+soul :)
 Gin (PryShep mix-)
 River (Smith field)
Grace (PWD)
 Badger (Niah's nephew 1)
Lu (Aussie shep) 

Handsome Nephew-2 Loki

Uncle Niah
Photos by Emily Irwin©

And here is amazing Wendy and River/Grace's agility video :) 


Niah Trial High lights - RC and new handlings-

I am so proud of my boy’s big effort in this year, since we have started many new things in the trial and I feel that Niah and I are grown up together as agility partner.

I think we are overcoming confident issue, motivational issues..
and my slow and clumsy handling is also improving :)

Our journey is taking a long time in many ways, and we are both not amazing to watch… 
but slowly and slowly…confident, handling and speed are improving and look at his happy face in the end of video with serious happy running!    

We hope we will have even brighter agility year in 2015.

And I strongly hope Koto will be back in Trial next year! 
We miss running agility with her so much!

今年は1年間コンタクトの再トレーニングで休んでいたアジリティに復帰して、ランニングコンタクトを始めたり、OMDJouniから習った オンラインコースのハンドリングをトライアルで使ってみたりは徐々にですが新しい事にチャレンジできた年になりました。






Backyard -oh so green grass!-

Our garden looks good now with lots of summer sunshine and thankfully, we have enough rain to keep the grass green and healthy. Unfortunatelly, Melbournes most of the public place are getting dry and grass turning to brown everywhere.  Lucky we still have thick grass!
Our banboo is growing so quickly- hoping for them to be a good screen between our neighbours.


Teddy's look out - Bushwalking at Great Ocean road walk

We kept walking in the bush ... long long way-

 Then, we suddenly found weird head tilted sculptures.... 
There were 3 dead "Test drive dolls" wow, very powerful!!

We never planned to come here, but we randomly found an amazing museum/sculpture garden in the bush called Qdos.
such a lovely garden with GREAT sculptures and there are also tatami-shoji Japanese room style accomondation in the museum. 
very inspiring! Love to come back again!

 We finally got to the top of the mountain, Look out area.

 That's little white car is ours. This look out isn't that high up, but decent little climb to get a amazing ocean/forest view.
We've seen this amazing BIG bird. 
I don't know the name.. but he was very elegant, and didn't really scared of us and dogs.
End of the walk - it became Koala & kangaloo time!  
We heard Koala calling each other everywhere... but I couldn't photograph. 
There were also HUGE kangaloos hopping around the farm lands...
yes, Koto and Niah were way too excited and out of control!!! 


Teddy's Lookout, near Lorne and Bush walking to Qdo museum

Teddy's lookout was amazing :) Not easy climbing up, but not difficult as well. 
Just need a proper shoes and water! No problem.
Easy to walk with dogs and really enjoyed every moment. 

We have done 4.5hours of bush walking after the look out.
Not hard one, but long long walk- 
This amazing bush walk was filled with singing bird and running river sounds. 
We saw many many wild animals!

teddy's lookout展望台からは、海と海岸線と山と森が見え、歩道はしっかり整備されていて、歩きやすいし、すばらしい観光ポイント。
ただ、Snake Warningがたくさん、さすがに河沿いなので 夏は危険なんでしょうね
誰も居ない 本当に静かな森は鳥の声と流れる川の音で一杯!