
Mother's visit! Happy mother's day :)

Thank you for being patient and visiting this blog:) 
I'm finally back home and our 1.5 month trip to Japan and New Zealand is just finished.  It was such a relaxing, and beautiful trip with surrounded by nature and close friends and family.
My mother came to Australia and we travel to Grampians and New Zealand together. She flight to Australia when we were coming back home from Japan, 
and this trip was her very first visit to Australia and New Zealand.  
She is turning to 70 years old next year.  
so.. it was somewhat very special 2 weeks to me, having my mother here in Australia and travel together when she still have energy.  
We started our trip from Grampians National Park to do short hiking to get used to walking in the mountain. We did quite easy 5km mild climbing walk. 

メルボルン近くの壮大なグランピアンズ、それに大自然のニュージーを一つの旅にまとめてみました。母も来年で70歳、まだまだ元気ですが、歩ける内にニュージーの登山を経験してもらいたかったのです。 母と離れて暮らしているので今回の2週間はとても充実していて本当に楽しかったです。



My mother loves mountains and climbing, she says that the most peaceful place on earth is being surrounded by the mountains.  She also had a mission to come to visit NZ with her beloved brother, my uncle Nobu-san who passed away a couple years ago by cancer.  Apparently, Nobu-san told my mother that he wanted to travel NZ just before he passed away, so she brought his picture with her.
As he wished to visit this country, everywhere, every moment was absolutely spectacular in NZ.  We thought he would loved it if he could make it, and must be happy to brought his soul with her. 
First day, when we saw this spectacular scenery at Lake Tekapo, We thought it is the perfect spot to take photo with her and her brother's photo.  
Somewhat very sweet.

私の叔父の信サンはガンでなくなったのですが、亡くなる前にニュージーランドに行ってみたいと 母に言ったそうです。 そしてニュージーランドに着いて、壮大の自然と澄みきった空気、吸い込まれそうな空の青さを体験し、やっと信サンが亡くなる前に行ってみたいと望んだ訳が解った様な気がしました。もしも信サンがこの国を訪れる事ができていたら本当に喜んだと思いました、ニュージー初日、まずこの広大な風景をレイクテカポで見たときにここだ!と思い、一緒に写真撮影しました。 兄弟想いの優しい母でした。

We were there from 8th - 14th of May and I think we choose the very best time of the year!  We had the most beautiful Autumn sunny 3days at Mt.Cook which everyone told us that it's rarely sunny there.  Very very lucky!


Entire countries was immersed by autumn colourful leaves. 
Deciduous trees are not Australian native so here in Melbourne has quite settle seasonal changes, compared to other countries.. 
I have been living in Melbourne for awhile so I totally felt that it was the prettiest scenery I have ever seen for such a long time. I really missed Japanese Spring and Autumn.. my dream came true in one trip. Sakura and Kouyo (autumn colours)  The time I spent lunch time under the beautiful sakura trees was not yet a month ago..Very very lucky!

メルボルンに住み始めて随分経ちますが、こんなに奇麗な紅葉を見れたのは日本に住んでいたとき以来、本当に感動しました。ずっと桜と紅葉がみたいと言い続けてきたのですが、その両方の夢が一気に叶いました! 日本へ行った時、桜の木の下で家族とお花見をしたのはちょうど一ヶ月前でした! これも本当にラッキー!

Happy Mother's day. 
We were very happy to have you here and travel together in NZ. 


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