What a great job Dean does!! He is super handly man!
Takes awhile to make them... but it's so much fun to make them and we are learning by doing it.. A lot of discovery, understanding about equipment and movement of dogs etc..and the best thing is that we gets a big reward when we finished!
so it's nearly finished making most of structure.
we just have to sand it, paint it, and rubberize A frame and play!
We also have to find where to store them, (big task!) and how to move A frame (yes, its very heavy!) thinking of putting a small wheel so that we can move it easily.
We don't have agility yard... Still living in suberb close to the city.
but maybe in the future we can set everything up when we move to bigger property with agility yard :)
最近は週末になると庭でアジの機材作りをしています。やっぱりディーンは凄い!何でもスイスイっと作っちゃう! もちろん私も一緒に作っています。ロングジャンプだけは 私一人で作りましたよ(笑)でも二人で作ってもやっぱり時間が掛かるし結構な労力を使います。今日も腰が痛い><
A Frameにキャスターを付けたり、ジャンプのパネル作りなどなど