
Camping at Prom Country Day 1 &2

We had a Australia's day long weekend, and of cause we were Camping!
This was 4th time camping in this summer and I think we will camp as much as we could during this summer.  We also love winter camping but we are just enjoying every small moments of staying in Nature with Dogs. Definitely I enjoy more than playing agility, more than daily park and playing frisbee, more than trick training.  I would say, Camping with dogs is the best thing ever!! 

Anyways, we were near the Wilson's Prom, Gippsland. Victoria. The camp ground we stay is right next to the shallow inlet beach, which is perfect for Koto's water walking rehab.  We were there recently but went back for 3 days holiday and this time, we invited my friend Bee and Douglas. We sent them to Wilson's prom at first day but they said there was no park ranger.   We normally don't want to take our dogs to national park, because they just needs to stay in the car..
but we just decided to go for drive and look around Wilson's Prom National Park this time! We couldn't do much but enjoyed look out, and walking into the most beautiful beach, and most beautiful national park in Victoria :) 

今回も3週間前と同じくギプスランドのWilson's Promというナショナルパークの直ぐそばの遠浅のビーチの隣のキャンプサイトに泊まりました。今回は建築士の友達のカップル、ビーとダグラスと一緒でした:)私達はナショナルパークへは行けないので、ビー達とは一日別行動。私達は犬達と一緒に滝を見に出かけました!写真では解りにくいのですが、この滝は凄い高さの上にあり、実はビクトリアで一番大きいんだそう! さて、その夜、ビーによると、その日ナショナルパークは出入り無料でレンジャーもだれも居なかったそう。
翌日、海でたっぷり泳いだ後、ドライブに行ってきました!もちろん犬達は車で待機ですが、思いっきり走り回って泳いだ後だったのでゆっくりくつろいでいました!久しぶりのWilson's Promはやっぱりいつ来ても感動!ビクトリアで一番奇麗なビーチとナショナルパークだと思います!またエミューの家族もみれてラッキーでしたよ!


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