
3 month!

Finally, I am relaxed and back in normal life.
Enjoying walking, training dogs, and started unfinished businesses!!
I finished making wedding album, and realized it is already 3 month ago!!
Niah is already 9month old, Koto is 3.5 years old, and wow!
My unfinished businesses list is getting big..must be quick! time goes so fast
We are going to Thailand -Koh Phi Phi for honeymoon from Monday, then going back to Japan for a week. 
It is finally time to really reflesh and relax! 
No phone, 
No internet,
No dogs for 2 weeks! 



Niah's online puppy school graduation video


Agility training is fun!
We never teach Koto to "nose touch" on contact, but she started to push her nose down to the ground now!
it is amazing how she picks up all the concept from rewarding position. Niah is also pick up things so quickly. He is actually teaching me that I am not showing him clear commands etc!Dogs are clever animal!


herding lesson 4 (Niah 9month old)

Niah pushing sheep
He started to use his eyes!
Today's sheep were very relaxed one!
he kept himself in position of right next to sheep. good distance
Koto the hurricane!
Koto the Hurricane! She is too fast to take photos...
Link to Herding School video 19th June, 2011
Sunday was Niah's 4th Herding lesson.  Oh- He is very calm/gentle and excellent in movement.  we still work on stop/steady in command, but going right (over) and left(back) are getting very well!  He is observing our commands and sheep movement very well!  Naturally born to herd! (gently ;)
Koto.. She was good in the small pan, but she lost control in the big pan!  Koto the Hurricane is back! so then I can not take her pictures well...(too fast miss!) 
日曜にニアの4回目のハーディングレッスンに行ってきました。ニア、どんどん良くなってます!いい体勢、距離、動きの早さも凄くいいし、しっかり私達のコマンドと羊の動きをしっかりみてる。9ヶ月なのに生まれながらの天性って凄いなぁ〜 まだ幼さがあるけどカッコよくなってきたなぁ。私はこれからニアのハンドリングをするので今日はニアと一緒にレッスンしてきましたが、ニアとはかなり楽しかったです(琴は難しい。。)琴は小さいパンでのレッスンは良かったのですが、大きい方に行ったら完全にロスとコントロール。。ハリケーン化したので中断しました(笑)動きが本当に早くていつものように写真全然撮れないし。。これも天性!いいコンビの姉弟です





thanks dad!

finally the real jumps wings are done! it is not yet painted but looks good hah? We are getting ready for Silvia Trkman's agility foundation lessons starts in July!  very exciting! and thank you dean san!


We miss you..

It has been already one year since Monkey left us, sleeping in peace in the other side of rainbow bridge.   Koto started bark very hard to neighboughours cats since she has gone, but Koto used to love Monkey so much as we were.  We will remember you forever miss Monkey the cutest cat.


Photos of Fabricated class exhibition


small flower (wall object)

this suppose to be tile mould form


Exhibition! Class mate work, lamp on the left is mine

Lazer cut and resin mould glasses!
3D printed Jewelry 
other student's lamps
my fabricated petal Booth;)

other student's tiles! I love this one.  funky!
I made so many things this semester. 
It was very busy 4month, but It was great to learn new technology and new way of thinking design!


I am lucky to be your wife♩

Must say BIG thank you to my hasband Dean, for all his support during my busy days. He has been making me an excellent dinners almost every single night for 2 month! As my school work is a little too chaotic and busy.  How beautiful is this presentation?  Picture is Scalp sashimi and papaw, watercress salads :)



耳が立ち始めたこの頃のパピー琴が一番可愛いかったな〜♪琴は3歳4ヶ月、早いなぁ、先日も書いたのですが本当に大人になって来たこのごろで、公園での集中力は本当に良いです。点数をあげるとしたら95点、まだ鳥が近くに来たりするとついつい追掛けてしまう琴もあります。それからテニスボール。。なんだかもっと長い間一緒にいる感じもしますが、色々教えて来た事がようやく纏まって来たのでこれから 楽しみです
 How cute she was!  I love these days of Koto, her ears were just starting to stand up.  She was just adorable! Koto is 3,4 month old now, her focus is becoming incredible as I wrote yesterday.  I would score her focus  is about 95% now. She still likes chasing a bird if they are very close to her or noisy, but stop chasing anything else, which is great, we have been working on that for nearly 3 years now.  Everything we have been teaching her is finally getting together and bold. I feel like we have been living together for much longer than 3 years.