
last weekend

3月に結婚する事になったのですが、結婚式場となるディルスフォードという街までメルボルンから1時間15分かかります。でも最近は準備の為月に2−3回のペースで出かけています。準備で凄く忙しいですが、同時に凄く楽しみです♪ 写真は式場になるタスマハウスの楽器のコレクションです。オーナーさんがミュージシャンで、楽器を手作りで作られているそう!

Some pictures from last weekend.
We went to Daylesford again to organise our wedding party. Yes, I am getting married in March this year! so I am pretty busy for organising our hand-made party in Daylesford.
Pictures are from Tasma House where we are having a part and these instruments are made by musician owner of Tasma house. He is making them on his own! very impressive!
oh- we have so many things to do before our wedding party but at the same time,  it is very exciting!

とにかく友達がディルスフォードに住んでいて犬達の面倒みてくれるし沢山情報収集が出来て本当に助かっています。琴ニアもいつも本当に楽しんでるみたい!ニアはいつの間に ボストンテリアのジュウ君よりぐーんと大きくなっていました. 最後の写真はトランポリンの上で口論中の琴ニア。ニアがいつもの様にはしゃぎ過ぎて琴に注意されてます(笑)
It has been great to have friends who loves dog in Daylesford, our friends are looking after Koto and Niah when we are running around the place to place. 
They also had a great time, running / playing / swimming with great friend Jyu the boston terrier in their back yard.  Niah loves trampoline so much and he is always on top of the trampoline and showing little bounce to us!  He is already bigger than Jyu! the last picture is koto telling him off, because he has being naughty here!

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