
working sheep dog -Duck-

Video from working sheep dogs,hering ducks in Hokkaido, Japan. (Boya-Farm)
What a excellent team work!!


Teenager Boy on skateboard

He is still learning! but obsess with Sakteboard!
always give me the biggest smile on skateboard!  funny boy


Tim Flach

I really loved this book called " DOG GODS"
Very dramatic and excellent pictures of dogs.
Have a look at his web-site on "Portfolio" then go to "Dog Gods"
very exciting!

Portfolio→ Dog Gods を見て下さい


Koto 3yo and Niah 5mo

My dearest Koto is nearly 3 years old and her stalker Niah is nearly 5 month old!
Koto is settling down a lot since we've got Niah but on the other hand, she is very reactive and sensitive for small things.   I always feel that she is still trying to adjust her self to our life, she is an emotional girl.  I really love her clear emotion.  Very difficult dog but she is absolutely beautiful. 

Niah is opposite in personality. He is optimistic, does not care about noise, dogs, cats, just a bit scared of trucks and trams but wants to please us all the time. Niah’s long legs and tail are amazing!  His BC crouching position is getting lower and lower every month!  He loves attack Koto or any dogs from behind; always goes flat like a pancake (hiding) then suddenly attack!

They are getting along extremely well.  Great personality match and we are very proud of our choice. 
But not at the park! He has been annoying Koto too much so me and my pertner have been going to the park separately with one dog.  Morning together, night time separate.  This is becoming our routine.
It's a bit of work and time consuming but we can actually train them well!  


ボーダーのクラウチング体勢もどんどん腰が低くなって来て 狙いを低い体勢で仕留めてアタック!これが公園での日課となってきてます。琴が的となりいつも噛み付いて行くので琴のイライラ度も頂点に達するので朝は一緒ですが夜は2匹別々に公園へ行きます。 時間も労力もかかりますが別々だと随分いいトレーニングが出来る様になりましたよ


last weekend

3月に結婚する事になったのですが、結婚式場となるディルスフォードという街までメルボルンから1時間15分かかります。でも最近は準備の為月に2−3回のペースで出かけています。準備で凄く忙しいですが、同時に凄く楽しみです♪ 写真は式場になるタスマハウスの楽器のコレクションです。オーナーさんがミュージシャンで、楽器を手作りで作られているそう!

Some pictures from last weekend.
We went to Daylesford again to organise our wedding party. Yes, I am getting married in March this year! so I am pretty busy for organising our hand-made party in Daylesford.
Pictures are from Tasma House where we are having a part and these instruments are made by musician owner of Tasma house. He is making them on his own! very impressive!
oh- we have so many things to do before our wedding party but at the same time,  it is very exciting!

とにかく友達がディルスフォードに住んでいて犬達の面倒みてくれるし沢山情報収集が出来て本当に助かっています。琴ニアもいつも本当に楽しんでるみたい!ニアはいつの間に ボストンテリアのジュウ君よりぐーんと大きくなっていました. 最後の写真はトランポリンの上で口論中の琴ニア。ニアがいつもの様にはしゃぎ過ぎて琴に注意されてます(笑)
It has been great to have friends who loves dog in Daylesford, our friends are looking after Koto and Niah when we are running around the place to place. 
They also had a great time, running / playing / swimming with great friend Jyu the boston terrier in their back yard.  Niah loves trampoline so much and he is always on top of the trampoline and showing little bounce to us!  He is already bigger than Jyu! the last picture is koto telling him off, because he has being naughty here!


who are you?

I saw you few times and I admire your beautiful face and long beak! but I don't know you guys name.. 

candle holder

this is our handmade candle holder!
It is simplistic and easy to make, just Cutting out the bottom of wine glasses!
isn't it cheap and effective lighting solution?


Our 2011

今年は少し忙しくなります。2月から2校目でのアジリティレッスンが始まり、月曜と金曜の夜はアジのレッスンです。それから月に1回のペースで2匹のハーディング。ニアのオビが土曜にあります。それからそれから。。なんと大好きなスロベニアのドッグトレーナー、シルビアタークマンのインターネットベースの遠距離パピークラスが2月から3ヶ月間始まります!忙しい年になりますが、今年は自分の勉学も含めて 学んで進歩して理解する一年にしようと思います。 それから 2匹の犬ともっと深い良い関係が築けるように頑張ります。

I will be attending 2 agility schools for Koto, on Monday and Friday night in this year.
And regularly attend the  sheep herding lessons for both dogs. 
I will be attending obedience lessons for Niah on Saturday and ALSO!!  
I have got a place at Silvia Trkman's long distance Puppy/Trick class by internet assignment! This class will be continue for 3 month and I am very very excited about taking her lessons!
I am inspired by her a lot and she is my favorite dog trainer!

I will be studying at University as well....Year 2011 will be learning, progressing, improving, and understanding!  I really hope I will make better relationship with my dogs and spice my life up with them!
Just to hope I am not doing too much.


Hold stuff in your mouth

琴もニアも物を持って来たり、口にくわえたりなどの基本的な事がしっかりできない時が多いので 練習やり直してます。。サービスドッグの訓練の仕方でまずは椅子に座った状態で物を床に落とし拾ってもらってギブでオヤツと交換、という事から初めました。今は5−10秒はしっかりもってちゃんと持って来てくれる様になってきましたよ。でも一時毎日練習したほうがよさそうね。。
Koto and Niah are both not good at holding things in their mouth.
so I have been re-teaching "hold stick" "hold news paper" and hold any objects for 5-10 second.  using command of get it, hold, and give.Niah is finally started to enjoy retrieve game!


life with 4month old Niah



なかなか作れなかったのですが 1ヶ月間まとめて作ってみました。

二匹とも相変わらず食べものと引っ張りっこの為なら 何でもやってくれるいい子です! 

Finally I made Niah's recent video of 4 month old puppy life.

Busy holiday season was not easy to keep record his cool tricks that he learn.

But Niah and Koto both still work very hard for me and do anything to get a treats and tug toy!


1st Obedience Lesson

今日からニアのObedienceがスタートしました!パピースクールが終わってクリスマスホリディが終わるまで2ヶ月、やはり学校に行かないと社会科スキルも呼び戻しのスキルも少し疎かになっていたのでディストラクションの多いスクール環境で 練習するのが一番、本当にメリハリがでた!今日のニアのヒール、ステイ、リードを木に繋いでマテ、ヒールウィーブ、全て完璧に出来ましたよ! とにかく毎日琴姉ちゃんを追掛けてばかりなんだけど他のパピーや犬に追掛けてもらってご機嫌でした♪
Niah started Obedience lessons today.  Since we finished puppy school, we didn't have proper lessons of socialization and recalling from play.  he was loosing a great skill so I was very happy to back in school with many distraction environment!  He was really good and most of the practices did perfectly and he was also super happy to eat yummy treats and chased by many pups and dogs for socialization!!



I love salsa sauce, this is my first Mango-Salsa sauce and it turns out beautifully! mixed with Mangos, Red Onion, Jarapeno, ginger, lime juice and my hand made sambal sauce!  We had this with travelly and it was great.  Mango smooth up sweetness and spiciness!


dog with eyeblow -ozzy verion-

oh-my goodness!
I found a real dog with eye blow! Its not drawn, it is a real marking!
zoom in from very far distance so not good picture but look at this face.
almost identical with the video of Japanese dog with eye blow.

Mornington's weekend

モーニングトンペニンシュラの友人の家に週末行ってきました。アジリティ友達のカミラとポチギーズウォータードッグのグレースも一緒でした!グレースは1歳半にしてセラピードッグのテストに合格したばかり!2月からカミラと一緒に病院で働きます。 彼女はつねにグレースをオフリードでどこへでもつれて廻ります。お店に入ったら入り口でカミラがでてくるまでちゃんと待っています。まだ2歳になってないのにもの凄い落ち着きなのに遊ぶ時はやる気たっぷり!
でもニア君は楽しくなかったみたい。。というのはビーチに居る間ずっと下痢に襲われて大変でした。抗生剤をのんで今は随分よくなっていますが体重激減してガリガリ君で可哀想な状態です。 まるで何も食べてない野生のジャッカルみたい。。そもそもなぜ下痢になったのかはビーチで死んだ鳥やペンギンをくわえたり、死んだ魚やふぐをくちに入れた事だと思われます。オフリードで歩いているときにニアが遠くにいると瞬時にこういった行動を止めさせられません。。でもいい勉強になりました。まだ信用のできないパピー期間のオフリードは少しひかえます。 琴は2x2の練習とターンの練習をがんばってきました!凄くいい意欲!

We had great weekend at Morning ton Peninsula, with our friends and agility club classmate Cam and Gracie the PWD. Grace will start working at hospital from February as a therapy dog. She take her everywhere off-lead, Grace is very calm and gentle for 1.5yo!!  very impressive. 
Niah suffered from diarrhea during all weekend, it was really bad one and he lost a lot of weights. He looks like wild jackal who haven't had food for awhile.  He is taking anti-boitics and recovering now but very very thin and no-energy.  poor little boy.
He put dead animal (bird and penguin!) and dead fishes on his mouth when we were walking on the beach. I will walk with him on-lead next time..
 Koto was very excited to be back in Sumers and having a lot of space to run! we practice 2x2 poles and tight turn jumping. 
 weekend snap shot, Niah is not well
 Niah's trick Hide!  yes I can't see you Niah ;)

Niah was very calm and gentle with horse.  
Thank you for gave a chance to crazy BC to meet horses, Cam!!


Mother and Son

本当にニアが母にそっくりになってきたなぁと 思います。

This is my sister's painting of Niah's mother China!
He looks like her so much recently. 
AND I have been amazed by how beautiful and accurate is my sister's painting! 




I found this image from oldies days. oh-Poor poodles...very cruel.
But they are very good looking dogs and suits any colours.
she will have trouble walking 6 huge dogs on high heel!!


skateboarder Niah&Koto

ニアの今一番のお気に入りのトリックは前足で顔を隠すハイド !
完璧に出来る様になって かなりの頻度で ハイドって言わなくても 毎日やってくれます♪
可愛いのでついついオヤツあげたくなります。。琴の時はこのトリックを教えるのも本当に苦労し、今でも前足で鼻をスクラッチするのが彼女のハイド。でも ニアに簡単に教えられたのでもう一度琴にも教えていますが一度覚えたトリックを再トレーニングはかなり難しい。。。
私はスケートボードなんて乗った事も無かったのに 乗り方を教えてるなんて変な感じです。。

Niah's favorite trick at the moment is "HIDE"
its so cute to look at it! and he also love it! I am re-teaching Koto to Hide. She only scratch her nose, not really hiding her face over.  but it is not easy to re-teach already learned tricks.. I changed name and capturing natural behavior to re-set.
They are also learning skate boarding last few days! 
Pretty funny.. I actually never ride skate board but I am teaching them how to ride! 
I found this broken skate board on the street.  So I fixed wheels and it is no problem for dog's light body weight!
Niah has a bit blood on his face in this picture, he lost one of his canine puppy teeth this day!

blind brother

 Happy loose leash walking
 Hey, come this way brother!
aww..  a little rest..
Before, I wrote a story of Blind BC Bonnie and Clyde. I met these 2 fox terrier at the park who are exactly like Bonnie and Clyde.  One is over 10 years old and blind, another one is just about 2 years old.
When owner got this black faced younger dog as a pup, she taught him to hold old blind brother's leash and walk with him.  They trust each other and both are very happy to walking together!  2yo is always working for owner to keep blind one with them! very reliable!
以前ボニー&クライドという名前の盲目のボーダーコリーとその世話をする若いボーダーの話をのせましたが  まったく同じような光景を公園で目にしました。10歳を過ぎた盲目のフォックステリアとそのリードをひき 飼い主の後へしっかり連れて廻る若い2歳の子。


4 month old Niah

Niah is 4 month old now.
He learned new tricks "Hide" "Go Back" Skateboarding and "circle works"
and had 2nd try of sheep herding.
He is easy to teach learn quickly, his personality is getting clear! 
but he is still not potty trained..it is the easiest thing to teach.
I was a little busy for house work, so left him alone with chew and toys but he had in house accident 3 times in law today..
well.. I have to go back to beginning of potty training. My new year resolution no 1 is : House Train Niah!!

最近は2回目のハーディングレッスンに行って"Over"(時計回り) "Back"(時計と逆回り)新しいトリックは "Hide" "Go Back" スケートボード、それからagilityサークルワークが出来る様になりましたよ!