My dearest Koto is nearly 3 years old and her stalker Niah is nearly 5 month old!
Koto is settling down a lot since we've got Niah but on the other hand, she is very reactive and sensitive for small things. I always feel that she is still trying to adjust her self to our life, she is an emotional girl. I really love her clear emotion. Very difficult dog but she is absolutely beautiful.
Niah is opposite in personality. He is optimistic, does not care about noise, dogs, cats, just a bit scared of trucks and trams but wants to please us all the time. Niah’s long legs and tail are amazing! His BC crouching position is getting lower and lower every month! He loves attack Koto or any dogs from behind; always goes flat like a pancake (hiding) then suddenly attack!
They are getting along extremely well. Great personality match and we are very proud of our choice.
But not at the park! He has been annoying Koto too much so me and my pertner have been going to the park separately with one dog. Morning together, night time separate. This is becoming our routine.
It's a bit of work and time consuming but we can actually train them well!
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