Chocolate Border is sweet George,next george is Alfa Rufas.
They are both from Rescued from Pound,having a excellent 2nd life!
Mollyを含む優しい性格の子GeorgeやSparkieに歯向かい、あっという間にアルファのRufasの地位までも奪おうとしている琴の行動に唖然。一番年下で一番身体が小さいのに着いたとたんこの群れとこの新しい環境をコントロールしようと必死。ただRufasの強さには叶わなかったので彼には少し気を引いていた。そしてRufasをいつも守り続けているGeorgeにとって、この琴の行動に腹を立てたらしく、今まで犬に一切歯向かう事のなかった Georgeが琴に威嚇し始める。Mollyも琴とは遊ばなくなってしまった。Sparkieは、走るスピードの速い琴を追掛けるので必死。ストーカーのように付いまわるSparkieと喧嘩するのではないかとハラハラ。。そんな訳で、ボールを投げるとなぜか犬の後ろに犬、その後ろにさらに犬。。全員伏せでボールを待つ。ボーダーらしいがとってもおかしな光景です。群れになると犬って本当に変わりますね。
琴は犬と遊ぶのがあんなに大好きだったのに、今では犬を見たらまず地位争い。犬らしく自然な行動なのですが、人との生活環境では受け入れられない行動でもあります。そして永遠とつづく雷と嵐に犬達はずっと興奮状態。 疲れましたぁ〜。群れでのマナーを教えるには絶好の場なので 懲りずにまた集まろうと思います。心の狭い琴を優しく受け入れてくれた心の広い飼い主さん達に感謝です。
We went to Daylesford with 4 Border Collies and owners. There was another border collie at this flat we rented. Great adventure and they were extremely excited about playing ball,(Big competition!) running around wood off lead, and swimming at the lake and swimming hole. They just loved it!
But for me, I had few moments of nervousness and frustration during this weekend looking at Koto's behavior.
She was trying hard to be a pack leader and controlling space and sweet dogs around. She gave a try to take away Alfa level from Rufas as well but ofcause she couldn't. Rufas is tough 5 years old strong Border Collie.
Thank you Rufas to teaching Koto's to behave.
It was just dog's natural instincts of when Dogs became a pack and we should just let them to sort out the order.
But from the view of human world, Koto's behavior of dog-dog aggression, sound sensitiveness, round up anything moves fast, and controlling environment has made me frustration. BUT I knew very well that frustration does not make anything better at all!! I was just being a one of the human being.
It was good chance to see how Koto react with pack of dogs and I would love to do this again.
he will be able to learn more and it is the best chance to teach her manner at the pack. I learnt what do we needs to practice from next week now!
Thank you all the sweet dogs and lovely owners for this amazing weekend.
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