
Rotate and mirrored

Eucalyptus Tree in Ottaway Ranges, VIC

I did graphic art pattern making practice today, using photo shop and some of my photos and image I love as a sauce.


Outpost interior

オーストラリアンインテリアデザイン、カラーアワードの発表会に出席出来る事になりました。ノミネートされているお店で一番気に入っているのがこの写真のメルボルンにあるOutpost Cafe。色づかい、テーマ、それに細かい所まで気を配った小物使いなどで本当にあたたかくて居心地の良い空間に仕上がっている!こんなキッチンが欲しいなぁ。またレポートします!

I'm excited about we are going to colour in commercial and domestic Interior Design award ceremony tomorrow night. We will be able to see presentation boards from outstanding design teams in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.  
Pictures are from my favorite colour in commercial design, designed by Hecker Phelan & Guthrie


Dreaming at the Sunset beach

Melbourne's Day light saving is finishing this weekend. 
We will miss summer night out on the sunset beach badly..


Herding lesson 1

初めてのハーディングクラスに参加してきました。クラスは合計6匹、全ワーキングドッグ犬種で朝10:30〜夕方6:00までと丸一日たっぷり練習をしてきました。琴は初めて羊を追掛けたが、初めてにしてはなかなか良かったと思います。初回は興奮ー吠えるー威嚇するが第一で何をやっていいのか解らなかったが、本能のまま追掛けはじめた頃には自然とハンドラーの指示に意識を向ける様になり、午後のレッスンでは追い込み方も少しさまになってパートナーの指示に慎重に耳を向けて動いていた。私はカメラと共に琴の行動を研究したが、自転車や車を追掛けている時と全く同じ興奮状態で羊に威嚇している事が解った!Sit(離れた位置からのハンドシグナルで動きを停止させて座る), Stop(全ての動きを停止), Steady(停止して待機)はハーディングには大切なコマンドで追掛けの行動もこのコマンドでFade Out出来るかもしれない!とにかくホコリまみれの楽しい一日でした!
We attend to the first herding lesson with 6 working dogs today.  It was an exciting all day lesson and great experience for all of dogs and humans.
First lesson in the morning was a bit confusing for Koto and she was barking more than rounding up, but in the afternoon, she started to became confident and was able to show concentration to my partner's hand movement as a direction signal.   I was just video taping and observing her behavior very carefully today and realized few things about her.  She was herding sheeps exactly the same way as when she chase bikes and cars.  If we could teach her solid sit, stop, and steady command when she herding sheeps, it will help her to stop chasing unwanted moving objects!  it was such a fun day for 3 of us:)


sled dog handling


Dog story again.. I found this amazing sled dog breeder Movassbakken from olso's video on youtube, They are Alaskan Huskies and german shorthaired pointers mix.  That makes 100% perfect sled dog.  What a great handling and leader ship!! 


A day of socks and bats

土曜日の公園で遊んだ際、前足のパットの皮が剥がれてしまったので、昨日の散歩はお預け。先週の高熱とは違って元気なのに外に出られない状態。一日2回消毒をしてとにかく安静にさせている。琴にとっては安静=退屈=苦痛の様。まるでチョコレートを食べた後の子供の様に、フルエナジーで「遊んで♪」攻撃。無視し続けているが、あまりにも可哀想なので 今朝起きてばい菌が傷口に入らない様に靴下を15分で作ったみた。ジーンズの切れ端とマジックテープで作ったなんとも格好悪い靴下だがお陰で今日は柔らかい土の川沿いを朝と夕方、2時間の散歩が出来た。散歩している際フルーツコウモリの群れがユーカリの木に何百匹もぶら下がっているのを発見!

Because of Koto injured front paw on Saturday, We couldn't go out yesterday. But it's a little different to last week situation, She is full of energy but just a little bit sore.  Once she wants to play, she beg for play really hard whatever I am working on.  I've been ignoring her behavior but I could just not ignored it all the time. So I made little denim socks like shoes in 15min fast thing in the morning to avoid bacteria get into her wound. We managed 2 hours walk along the Yarra river.  Very slow walk on only soft surface area, but she really liked to be out side. We found hundreds of fruits bat hanging down on gum trees along Yarra river!  It was exciting!


aesop interior

メルボルンのAesopのショップデザインの美しさにはいつも感嘆する。この写真はDoncastor Westfield、Ryan Russellがデザインしたもの。Aesopの商品は最高品質の無添加植物をベースに作っていて、絶妙な香りが楽しめる商品が多い。このようなシンプルで無機質な空間は 香りや感覚を経験するには最高のコンセプトだと思う。

I admire Aesop shop interior design in Melbourne.  This is from Aesop Doncastor westfield, design by Ryan Russell.
Aesop products have exquisite scents.  I believe clean and inorganic interior is the perfect concept to let customers to experience those exotic scents, coming from the highest quality plant based ingredients.


Agility Park in Whittlesea garden

最近オープンしたばかりのドッグオフリードのこの公園にはアジリティが出来る様にコンクリートのトンネルやドッグウォーク、沢山のジャンプバーやウィーブポールまである!家から車で30分と少し遠いが 琴も私達も初アジリティを思いっきり楽しめた!今日はウィーブポール以外の全ての障害物を私の手に着いてくるFollow Meのコマンドで何度が練習した。琴はやる気満々!ハンドリングは本当に難しいんですね!これからは この公園でたまに練習出来そう!帰って気がついたが、琴の前足のパットがズルむけてしまっていた。また琴を怪我させてしまったと反省。本当に気をつけないと。。ごめんね琴
This fenced off Dog-off lead area have Agility obstacles.  It recently open at City of Whittlesea, on Burry Rd. It takes about 30min to get to this little park. Long driving for doggy park out but it was well designed land scape and Koto enjoyed agility obstacles so much!!  I taught her to follow my hand, and wait for my signal for next obstacles.   Handling was pretty difficult! and Koto was looks a bit confused with our handling. It was really fun to try out.  We can come down to this park for practice.   But.. Koto injured her front paw again.  She has no luck for her health, because of our carelessness. We really should pay attention more when we play...  I am sorry again poor little Koto.

She is back!

琴がやっと普段の健康状態に戻った! 海水について色々調べてみた所、やはり岩場やサンゴの近くにはバクテリアが沢山いるので飲んでしまったり傷口があると危ないらしい。海水の温度が上がったり嵐の後などにもバクテリアは増えるらしい。アルトナには沢山のシーワームやムール貝が岩場にいる場所があるので今後岩場には連れて行かないようにしよう。それから水を携帯する事!原因が解って良かった。

Finally Koto is back in normal health after being sick for a week. My friend sent me this article about "What's in the sea-water" says the sea water near rock or coral is especially risky for drinking and wound.  Bacteria are common in ocean that are close to fisheries, farms, stormwater drains and sewage plants; the runoff from this is particularly bad after periods of heavy rain... YES! Altona beach is next to oil factory and there were many rocks with sea-warm, mussels maybe oil pollution and it was just after heavy rain storm.


storm in Melbourne

少し前ですが、ボーダー達とDaylesfordへ出かけた週末のメルボルンは強風大雨の嵐に混ざり5cm程の大きさのヒョウが10分以上も降り続いたという異常気象だった。随分の人が怪我をしたり、800台以上の車のガラスが粉々に割れたらしい。住宅への被害も酷いようで未だに被害の話を耳にする。私達も家に帰ると雨漏りやパルコニーから水が室内へ入ったようでStudyRoomが水浸しになっていた。でも 出かけていたお陰で車は無事!本当によかった。日本で洪水や浸水、土砂崩れなどのニュースは良く聞くがこんな”ヒョウ”は見た事がないですよね。。

Some of the photos from storm in Melbourne, 2 weeks ago. 5cm size (as big as golf ball or tennis ball) of hail stones fall for about 10min in various suburb and many people injured, cars and houses were badly damaged.  Melbourne was pounded and some described the sky was bright, the next minute the wind hit, swirling the dust then sky turned black and hail started to fell.It sounds like all happened in short time. When we came back home, Study room floor was soaking wet and had some water leak on ceiling but rest rooms were fine.  I have never seen like this big hail in my life.  


sick again..


が、、ボーッと立ったまま動かないのは 見ていて痛々しいし、かなり心配です。。明日もこの調子なら病院へ連れて行きます。

Koto is Sick again.  She has high fever and no energy. Gum is getting pale colour, but eating well and have normal stool, She looks like really hot to even just ray down on the floor.  She has been standing up and panting a lot today, which making me really worried.  We are giving her same diet food (rice and boiled chicken, little amount of yakult and sports drink) as same food as she was sick 3 month ago and waiting to see how she goes. I guess it might be from Friday night at Altona Beach, she drunk sea-water, which is next to the oil factory (might be polluted) and there were many mussels where she had a drink.  She got diarrhea straight away after the beach fun.  
I have been practicing "Leave" command all the time but if she is far away, I can not use the command.  
But oh well, I would say I should have carried watter bottle to give her a drink.  I learnt again Koto, and I am sorry about my carelessness.  I really hope you will get better tomorrow...   


Caring day


特に特別な事をする訳でもなく、朝からドッグトレーニングに行き、公園へ行き、新しいシャツを探したり掃除や洗車をした平凡な一日でした。 彼は先日がホワイトデーだった勘違いしたようで、自分の誕生日はさて置き私にひまわりの花束とチーズケーキとそれから、Aesopのパセリーエキスから出来た化粧水をプレゼントしてくれた! トレーニングでは凄くいい子のボーダーコリーのジェット君が毎日自転車や車を追掛けていると聞いて、一人じゃないんだと思って少し安心した!とても気持ちのいい夜だったので琴を連れてFitzroyで 友人と一緒にワインを飲んだ。
Today was my partner's birthday.  Happy birthday! We didn't do anything special, just one of the another weekend.  He thought it was WhiteDay yesterday (White day is Japanese celebration. Men returns small gift to woman for thanking of Valentains day) so he brought gifts to me! Sunflowers, Cheezecake and Aesop toner!! Great presents, I bought him new work top and scarf, and also we went to shopping mall to pick some new shirts for him. 
At the dog school, I heard the story of border collie Jet chase bikes and cars.. somehow I felt a bit relieved and not alone! We also had a beautiful night out with some friends and Koto at Fitzroy. 
It was not special day but felt full of love, caring, kindness and warmth.


End of summer beach

金曜は残暑の晴天だったのでビーチへ散歩へでかけた。ジャーマンクーリーのレイリーちゃんに又あった。1歳のレイリーは昨年のブッシュファイアーで飼い主とはぐれてしまいシェルターで数ヶ月を過ごしたのち、現在の新しいオーナーと出会い セカンドライフを過ごしている。琴が彼女のボールを奪っても追掛けても優しく受け入れてくれて一緒に楽しんでくれる犬好きなとても優しい子。琴もレイリーに対しては一歩さがってボールを譲ります!

Friday night! and it was perfect weather for the beach night out.
We had a great walk with German Coolie Railey again. She is only 13month old and she is a bushfire survivor, her owner got her from Kilmore's shelter after the last year fire.   Koto was very happy to join the ball chasing game with Railey.  They are becoming great ball chasing mate! We did about 5km walk along the beach and they were running all the time.  Amazing working dog enegy!


Fauna and Flora near the water

I love taking picture of fauna and flora around water area and the beach.  
There are many interesting plants everywhere here.


Back in Green Garden City

今日のメルボルンは16度雨。今年の夏は本当に雨が多かったので干ばつのニュースは殆ど聞かなかった。12月になると雨が降らなくなり公園や郊外の大地は乾燥してしきった茶色に変化するが今年は乾燥した茶色から新緑に戻り、そしてまた乾燥して、また雨が降って新緑に戻るサイクルを繰り返している。 今のメルボルンは先日のストームのお陰で一面新緑!

Today's Melbourne is rain and 15 degrees. Getting chilly and time to get ready for winter.  We didn't hear drought related news in this summer because of we had many raining days. Our veggie patch grew very well and had nice home grown vegetables and herbs every day.  The park land became dried and turned to brown around December but they were always survived to get back to deep green after the rain.  Thanks for the crazy storm from last week to brought us back a deep green patches to our city gardens.  


Weekend with pack of B.C.s

From veranda view, there is cocatoo on phone line cable

5 Border Collies. Very difficult to take picture of all
Just before the thunder storm, View from veranda
Swimming Dogs at Daylesford Lake
Swimming Hole during bush walking track.
Chocolate Border is sweet George,next george is Alfa Rufas.
They are both from Rescued from Pound,having a excellent 2nd life!
Sparkie and Koto.
They both have strong round up instinct.
Front Yard at rental property near daylesford lake.
Excellent facility for dog owners!
From Left Sparkie, George, Rufas, and my wild Koto


Mollyを含む優しい性格の子GeorgeやSparkieに歯向かい、あっという間にアルファのRufasの地位までも奪おうとしている琴の行動に唖然。一番年下で一番身体が小さいのに着いたとたんこの群れとこの新しい環境をコントロールしようと必死。ただRufasの強さには叶わなかったので彼には少し気を引いていた。そしてRufasをいつも守り続けているGeorgeにとって、この琴の行動に腹を立てたらしく、今まで犬に一切歯向かう事のなかった Georgeが琴に威嚇し始める。Mollyも琴とは遊ばなくなってしまった。Sparkieは、走るスピードの速い琴を追掛けるので必死。ストーカーのように付いまわるSparkieと喧嘩するのではないかとハラハラ。。そんな訳で、ボールを投げるとなぜか犬の後ろに犬、その後ろにさらに犬。。全員伏せでボールを待つ。ボーダーらしいがとってもおかしな光景です。群れになると犬って本当に変わりますね。
琴は犬と遊ぶのがあんなに大好きだったのに、今では犬を見たらまず地位争い。犬らしく自然な行動なのですが、人との生活環境では受け入れられない行動でもあります。そして永遠とつづく雷と嵐に犬達はずっと興奮状態。 疲れましたぁ〜。群れでのマナーを教えるには絶好の場なので

We went to Daylesford with 4 Border Collies and owners. There was another border collie at this flat we rented. Great adventure and they were extremely excited about playing ball,(Big competition!) running around wood off lead, and swimming at the lake and swimming hole. They just loved it!

But for me, I had few moments of nervousness and frustration during this weekend looking at Koto's behavior. 

She was trying hard to be a pack leader and controlling space and sweet dogs around. She gave a try to take away Alfa level from Rufas as well but ofcause she couldn't. Rufas is tough 5 years old strong Border Collie. 
Thank you Rufas to teaching Koto's to behave.
It was just dog's natural instincts of when Dogs became a pack and we should just let them to sort out the order. 

But from the view of human world, Koto's behavior of dog-dog aggression, sound sensitiveness, round up anything moves fast, and controlling environment has made me frustration.  BUT I knew very well that frustration does not make anything better at all!! I was just being a one of the human being.
It was good chance to see how Koto react with pack of dogs and I would love to do this again.
he will be able to learn more and it is the best chance to teach her manner at the pack. I learnt what do we needs to practice from next week now!
 Thank you all the sweet dogs and lovely owners for this amazing weekend.