
Roo roadkiller in Fitzroy

Photo: Craig Sillitoe


Bonnie & Clyde


Bonnie and Clyde do everything together, but Clyde is always just on step behind. That's because he is blind-and his fellow Bonnie acts as his guide dog. She leads him to food or water, and lets him rest his head on her haunches when he feels a bit lost. If Bonnie isn't nearby Clyde refuses to move. Bonnie, Two and Clyde, five, were resuced after being abandoned on a street in the middle of a storm. I can not understand how could people abandan these such a beautiful border collies on the street, is it because of they can not heard the sheep anymore? or ex-owner didn't have any heart to feel their amazing nature of love? Read more:


Beautiful Deco at Rainbow

Sunset from the hill

Children instrumental made out of Gas bottle! Very clever.
Dream Catcher
Dreamy Cuppa Chaps

Rainbow Gate made out of Spoon!

レインボーから帰って来た。今年はDJのラインアップが本当にダメ だったが、相変わらすデコレーションは本当に最高!キャンプサイトからステージに繋がる所に7色のスプーンで出来たレインボー。アーティストの個性がたっ ぷりでた素晴らしい装飾達。それからSchool of DubというバンドがまるでMMWを思わせる程凄くかっこよかった。あとはファイアースピンフェスティバルで優勝したダンサー達!もうその場から動けなく なってしまう程凄く奇麗だった!

Came back from Rainbow Serpent Festival. The best thing I have seen at rainbow was Artist Decotations, the band called "School of dub" Reminds me a lot of MMW!! and also Spin Fire festival winners performance. DJs line up were pretty bad this year but there were excellent things to do, like yoga , capoella, stretch, juggling etc. I enjoyed life style village so much and also beautiful new site with many stars and sunset! It was nice 4 days of festival.


Let's rainbow!

私達は明日から毎年恒例のレインボーサーペント、ミュージックフェスティバルへ。 メルボルン郊外で行われている野外フェスだ!私にとってこのフェスは メルボルンで一番幸せで平和で楽しいイベント!月曜の夜に帰ってきます そのため琴は今晩からまたまたホームスティへ出発した!今くらいの時間だと彼女はバスルームの冷たいフロアの上か彼女のベッドの上寝ているだけなんだけど、姿が見えないだけでも とても静かに感じる。明日からは先にホームステイ先へ行っているモリーと一緒に他の犬達とのパック生活を思う存分たのしんでくるんだよぉ。 写真は年末年始のホームステイ先での琴の様子。。本当にイキイキしてる! Yes, Its time for Rainbow Serpent. Koto left tonight to go to Homestay with the brilliant dog trainer's homestay with pack of dogs so we are having quiet one tonight. She must be sleeping by this time but just not seeing her around, it feels so much more quiet! She will have great time with Molly and pack of dogs!! Have a great fun koto!! We will have good one too:)


Can you see it !?!


We found a log looks like an eagle when I DJ at out door event.
Can you see it?
Yes, when you find an eagle, it is pretty realistic!!


Benjamin Ducroz

PRESS + from benjamin ducroz on Vimeo.

by Benjamin ducroz


Look at Camera!

琴はカメラがあまり好きではなく、以前はカメラを向けると目をそらす事が多かったので 今日はモリーと一緒にカメラを向けてオヤツをあげて、Look at Cameraというコマンドを教えてみた!

Koto used to dislike Camera. She looked away from camera when I go too close to her with camera. so I tried to teach Molly and Koto that if they look at Camera, then treat will come, just changing "Look at me" command to "Look at Camera" and that was piece of cake for them!


Picnic at 43°c

beautiful sculpture garden at Heide Modern Art Museum

We have been staying inside house this week, because of extreme weather. Melbourne got up to 44 degrees on Monday night this week and that was the record of the hottest night temperature in the last 100 years. We had a picnic at Heide Modern art museum with great girl friends, Picnic was great and had an inspiring conversation but yes, it was not nice to sit in the heat. I wonder what will happen to melbourne's weather in the next decade.


Vivid Coloured Queensland

スイミングホールへと続いていた ハイビスカス山道ー南国の花!

植物、動物、ランドスケープ、とにかく派手な原色、vivid colourで溢れていた
Queens land has so many colours! Plants, animals, and most of the land scape had a powerful vivid colours everywhere!

Mossman Gorge

5th - 6th Jan / 2010
朝早くケープと リビュレーションを出発してMossman Gorgeへ移動。40度近い猛暑だったか 渓谷は水が冷たくて、透き通っていて、空気が美味しくて最高の避暑地。しかも滞在したキャラバンパークには 50mのオリンピックプールもあり、渓谷で泳いだ後もプールサイドでリラックスできた。夜は地元の小さな可愛いバーでビールを飲んでいると突然の大雨! あっと言う間に大洪水。。テントがどうなっているのかなど 気にするのは辞めてビールを楽しんだ。これが本当に美味しかった!雨期のケアンズ最後の夜にふ さわしい一日だった!


Jangle Climbing! Mt.Sorrow ridge trail

4th January/2010
DainTree Forest National Park, Mt Sorrowにて登山
この山は標高たったの標高680メートル,頂上まではたった3.5キロ!私は毎日琴と一緒に7キロ歩いているし今まで登った山に比べるとたいした事はない、だがこの熱帯の気候(湿度100%!気温32度位)で難度の高い急斜面のある山道なので“日頃から鍛えている人のみ”という看板があった。急斜面が多い往復6時間の登山だ。 初めは楽しい散歩道だったが、次第に急斜面に変わり最後の1.5時間は地を這う木の根っこを掴んで這って登った。

頂上にやっと到着したがそこは畳4畳程度の鉄網で囲まれた小さな箱、日陰は全くない。もちろんバリアリーフを眺められる景色は良かったが、炎天下でゆっくり休憩出来るような山頂ではない。ふと先に到着してランチを楽しんでいるドイツ人を見ると、顔や首や背中にヒルが沢山ついている。なんと頂上ではヒルが人間の山頂到着を待っていたかの様に沢山いた。すかさず友人やパートナーの背中をチェックするとやはりヒルが張り付いている。幼虫やワームが苦手な私には、あまりの気持ち悪さにランチも休憩もさっさと済ませて直ぐ下山、32度の熱帯雨林 6時間の登山はすごい経験だったが、下山後の達成感は120%!!  
下山後ワニの居ない安全な河、swimming Holeへ直行して魚と一緒に泳いだ。水は冷たくて本当に気持ちよかった。すっかり身体が冷えきったのでキャンプサイトに戻って昼寝。夜は野菜たっぷりのニョッキを作った。ビールが本当に美味しかった大雨の熱帯夜でした。気がつくと手足がカに刺されだらけで水玉になっていた。ムヒが手放せない。

Mt Sorrow trail was only 3.5Km walk up to the top, it's a climb of about 680M. It sounds like piece of cake-climbing for us. Dean really wanted to climb up and we are all fit and walk about 10km everyday. We had a fun walk, but when we got to the last part of the trail, landscape has changed to wet-rain forest, then the leeches which had been climbing up to our boots in huge numbers for the duration of the climb. Every few steps we had had to stop and flick them off with screaming out! (I hate them!) I was scared of getting suck out my blood. It became the real jangle climbing! Once we got to the top, the look out was tiny box shaped space without shade. We had quick lunch and quick look out of Great Barrier Reef and Daintree coastline, Snapper Island. then straight away back to walking down. It wasn't easy walk at 35°c Rainforest, but it was a big rewarding to finally reached to the top and came back in 6 hours. We went to swimming hole after the climb, which was safe and beautiful spot away from crocs. Once we cooled our self down, we had a big nap at the camp site then had a nyocci with lots of vegies for dinner! It was an amazing rainforest night.

A Happy New Year 2010

2010年! 少し遅れましたが 新年明けましておめでとうございます。今年も皆さんにとって素晴らしい年でありますように。

Happy New Year 2010! Wish everyone had a nice and relaxing holiday and all will have a great year. We are back from Cairns Scuba Diving trip late last night. Scuba Diving was superb experience! I've got my diving license on New Years day at Underwater 18M!which was amazing experience. Finally met turtles and sharks. It was great to start new year at under the water.


after the diving experience

2nd January – 3rd January/2010

2日は朝6時からの早朝ダイブを初め、3本のダイビングをして、ケアンズへ戻る。 大晦日にボートに乗ってからの3日間“潜る、食べる、寝る、潜る”を繰り返し 最終的にナイトダイブも含めて11回潜った。ナイトダイブではロブスターやエビ、うなぎなど昼間に観られない魚達に会えた。ウミガメもサメもエイもいた。ライセンスがとれてからはインストラクターさん無しで パートナーと念願の二人でのダイビングが実現!本当に素晴らしいダイビング旅行だったし、海の生き物に対しての考え方ががらりと変わった。午後ボートを降りてからは、夕方再度レンタカーを借りてCape Tribulationへ向った。ケアンズからは片道2時間程、途中いかにもワニが居そうな河を渡るフェリーに乗った。いざ熱帯雨林キャンプ生活へ!

we start diving at 6am on 2nd of Jan, moved to new reef and did another 2 diving in the morning before we leave the reef. Since we boarded on the boat on N.Y.E, I did 11 times diving. My partner had 14 times diving. it was almost like repeating "dive, eat, sleep and dive" At the night diving we saw eel, robuster and big prawns in coral. I feels like I have seen completely new world, new perspective of marine world. I would love to keep diving! We've got a rental car again then left Cairns to "National Park daintree rain forest" Cape Tribulation Camping tour!

pictures from PRO DIVE Cairns


New years eve at under water!

31st December – 2nd January/2010:
船酔いで怯えながらも気合いを入れて深呼吸して潜った、初めての海底は思っていた以上に平和でカラフルな世界!小さなトラブルも落ち着けば簡単に対処できる事が解った。ダイビングはリラックスする事が一番大切だと教えて頂いてゆっくり楽しめるようになった!水中で音は通常の4倍の速さで伝わる。小さな音も良く聞こえる。呼吸の音、遠くから聞こえるボートのエンジンの音、バブルのはじける音が新鮮で気持ちいい。今でも耳に残っている。バリアリーフのボートの上で満月を見ながら迎えた大晦日。初海底ダイビング講習2回とシュノーケルで疲れ切っていたので 12時まで待てず、今年のカウントダウンはベットの中。

I was really sea-sick and wasn’t feeling good at all, but told myself that I will be fine and enjoy! The first time ever underwater world was quite peaceful and calm. There are few little troubles like having a cramps, and leaking water to the mask, but I could stay in calm to deal with it. Sounds travel 4times faster than normal at under water. It was great sounds of bubbles, breathing, and boat sounds in the far distance. New years eve, I did 2 dives and snorkles. I was really tired to keep awake to midnight count down! But we had a excellent New Years eve on the boat with full moon!