Sister !?
I found this advertisement at the pet shop and I was in shock! This Border collie has identical eyes, body (muscular short legs!)hair length, and same pointy ears with Koto. I don't see BC like koto much so it was very exciting. I thought it might be Koto's sister or family from the same breeder. I am trying to contact this pet shop to ask about this dog..Hope I could find some information about this dog.
Spring Park with BCs
Some action photo shots from last weekend with Molly. They have the most serious and happiest face at the park (of cause!) Recently, it has been very warm and lots of rain, so grass has the best condition during the year! Great season for the park with BCs!
hoop trick
投げ輪が完全に出来る様になった。3日程掛かったが、輪をガーデン用のホースで作り直し真ん中の穴を大きくして、くわえやすくしたら直ぐに要領を掴んで翌日には10投中8−9投は確実に入る様になった!教え方はクリッカーを使うと以外と簡単!まずこの遊びのコンセプトを見せる為、輪が入ったらクリック、おやつというのを私がやってみせた。すぐに「私もやる〜!」モードに。初めはポールをターゲットにして鼻でタッチ、クリック、おやつ。次は輪を持ってターゲットにタッチ、クリック、おやつ。 最後は輪をゆっくりポールに掛けて落とす、クリック、おやつ!
(Before play this video, turn volume down.. very loud..)
Yes! koto finished learning hoop trick! I realized baby toy hoop was too small so made them bigger ring out of garden hose and now she can put them into pole 8-9 out of 10 throw! First of all, I show her the concept of this game. She gets very excited and wanted to try straight away! First Target was touch middle pole on her nose, then click and treats, second catch the hoop and bring back to target, then click and treat. Next was hook the hoop into the pole softly, then click and treats! Clicker training is great way to communicate with her and She is a girl who is always enthusiastic about learning new tricks and commands.
(Before play this video, turn volume down.. very loud..)
Yes! koto finished learning hoop trick! I realized baby toy hoop was too small so made them bigger ring out of garden hose and now she can put them into pole 8-9 out of 10 throw! First of all, I show her the concept of this game. She gets very excited and wanted to try straight away! First Target was touch middle pole on her nose, then click and treats, second catch the hoop and bring back to target, then click and treat. Next was hook the hoop into the pole softly, then click and treats! Clicker training is great way to communicate with her and She is a girl who is always enthusiastic about learning new tricks and commands.
From the car window 2
Long awaited dream -Ululu
随分と先の話になるが念願のUlulu-Kata Tjuta National parkへ私の誕生日を兼ねてのキャンプ旅行に行く事になった。Alice Springまでのエアーチケットを購入したので、そこからUlulu(Ayers RockとThe Olgas)までは500Km程のドライブとなる。4WDを借りてRainbow ValleyやKings Canyonにも行く予定。久しぶりのキャンプの話で嬉しい♪ 夏は直ぐそこまで来ている!
It's 1.5 month ahead story, we will go camping trip to Alice Spring, Ululu-Kata Tjuta national park in October. We will travel with 4WD, will be able to see Rainbow Valley, Kings Canyon where we can only go by 4WD. I am quite excited about this trip! We are missing camping so much recently.
weekend craft
kotoのベットのクッションの綿が洗う度にどんどん丸まって寝心地が悪そうになったので 赤ちゃんようの毛布とフリースをリサイクルショップSaversで$5で購入、新しいベットクッションとその生地の残りは4つ編の編み方をネットで検索して引っ張りっこ用のロープにした。$5でベットとおもちゃが作れたのは◎!犬用品は高いし消耗品なのでこれからはリサイクルで自分で造るようにしようと思う。赤ちゃん用の投げ縄のオモチャも$2で購入。早速Kotoにこのリングを真ん中の棒に入れるとおやつが貰えると教えたが、リングが大きすぎてなかなか難しい。今の所、10投中1−2投しか入らないのでストレスが溜まるらしく、やる気を出してくれない。。でも散歩に行けない雨の日にはとても良い頭を使うゲームなのでゆっくり教えて行こうと思う。
Koto's bed cushion has been wearing out since we washed it so many times so we bought freece fabric and blanket for baby's at Savers then made this cushion. We used left over freece to make tag a war rope, learned how to braid 4 strips rope to make it strong big rope. Dog merchandise are very expensive and dies so quickly. We are happy to spend few hours to make it our self using recycled materials. Although found this throwing ring toy for babies as well to teach Koto to put this ring into the middle pole. She knows what to do to get treats but she can only get 1-2 out of 10 throw so far, seems very frustrated about this toy at the moment..But I think its great game for brain training for raining day when she can't go to walk.
Koto's bed cushion has been wearing out since we washed it so many times so we bought freece fabric and blanket for baby's at Savers then made this cushion. We used left over freece to make tag a war rope, learned how to braid 4 strips rope to make it strong big rope. Dog merchandise are very expensive and dies so quickly. We are happy to spend few hours to make it our self using recycled materials. Although found this throwing ring toy for babies as well to teach Koto to put this ring into the middle pole. She knows what to do to get treats but she can only get 1-2 out of 10 throw so far, seems very frustrated about this toy at the moment..But I think its great game for brain training for raining day when she can't go to walk.
Koto's homework
土日は天気も良く初春を感じる週末だったがとにかくドッグトレーニング。冬はトレーニングには最適なシーズンだと思う。先週のレッスンはいつもの様にSit, Down, Stand,Heel-walkingがメイン。右へ曲がれ、左へターン、左へ曲がれ、止まれ!こんな軍隊のマーチングの様な練習ばかりで後半琴も私も退屈になって来たが、これがベーシックオビィディエンス!だが土日2つのスクールでダブルオビはやっぱりキツい!早くテストに合格してここを乗り越えなければ楽しいアジリティが出来ないので頑張るしかない。今の課題はスタンドで真っ直ぐ立つ事。私を見上げる為、少し身体が横に曲がってしまう。それからオフリードでの立って待ての強化。なんとも小さな課題だがムズがしい、楽しみながら琴のペースに合わせてやっていこうと思う。
Sat,Sunday was nice early spring weather, but we concentrated on dog training again. I think winter is the best time to training my dog. Last lesson was Mainly Sit, Down, Stand, Heel-walking practice with right about turn, left turn, and stop. Made me feels like being in army camp and got bored, but this is the basic obedience training. We need to pass the test to do fun agility. I am pretty sure that Koto can do it no problem but just need to work on all these commands with disctactions. Homework for us is stand command without body moving towards to me, and stand-stay off leash. Hmm I guess we just have to practice and enjoy it!
Sweet and Bitter
先週の金曜、友人の誕生日パーティの為キムチ鍋をつくりに行った。10人分の鍋となるとかなりの量でカニ(Blue Swimmer Crab)を2匹丸ごとだしに使ったが本当に良い味が出て美味しかった。魚やエビ、旬の野菜を沢山入れて3回鍋を作ったが十分だったし大好評だった。友人のダン君がデザートに小麦粉を使わないしっとりチョコレートケーキも作ってくれて 美味しくて楽しい夜だった。
Last friday night, we had Nabe party at K&J's house. I cooked Kimchi&Miso-Nabe with Crab stock for 10 people. It was big effort but was turned out great. We made stock from blue swimmer crab, big fish and prowns, and various vegies and fish cakes. I made 3xbig Nabe!! but we still had enough food in the end. Warm soup Nabe is always great party food in the winter. Dan also made an amazing flourless chocolate cake that we felt in love! It was funtastic yammy night. But afterall, we went out to see Isolee at St.Kilda, but hey, it was the worst-nasty 90's house with loud-terrible PA. Very bad sence of music and was too expensive for this ugly night out.. Its always difficult to find good night out here. Yummy night turned to bitter after taste. I learned, and won't do it again.
Frisbee eyes
Spring flowers
Organic food Weed
少し前の話になるが、大分の九重町、飯田高原ですてきなオーガニックレストラン&ギャラリー ”weed”に姉に連れて行ってもらった。お店のインテリアもギャラリーの商品もオーナーも温かく柔らかい雰囲気で姉と姉のワンコ達と凄く良い時間が過ごせた。自家製無農薬野菜がたっぷり入った玄米のパエリア、夏野菜たっぷりのスープに温野菜のサラダがセットになったランチを食べたが本当に美味しかった。新緑の山々に囲まれた高原で食べるランチは本当に最高、次に帰って時もまた行きたい。
It's awhile ago's story, I went to very pretty and relaxing restaurant in Ooita-Kujyu-kogen called Organic restauratn and garally "weed" with my sister and her dogs. Full of warmth at the shop and garally's interior, big windows and lots of natural sunlights, surounded by green layers of mountains, I ate a set of organic vegitables with Genmai-rice paellier and soup and warm vegie salada. It was really yummy and would love to go back again. I was happy to discover the great restaurant in Ooita!
Brittany Groundhouse
大好きなイギリスのテレビ番組のGrand Designsで目にしたリサイクルエコハウス。
使った壁 南向きの大きな窓、素材の良さを出し夏は涼しく冬は温かい,快適で経済的なサステイナブルリビングスタイルを完全に達成している。
Yellow season 2
8月はこちらの冬最後の月、春の気配を感じて色々な花が咲き始め、森の中は黄色に染まっていた!近くの公園、Darebin Parkもとにかく花で一杯!
ここはOff Lead OKの公園なのでKotoも大喜び!気持ちのいい週末だった。
August is the last month of the winter here. We went to bush walking on Sunday at dandenong ranges, the seanic has completely changed to early spring, there were full of flower in the bush. We also went to Darebin park where Koto always get excited to run and going throw the flowers and creek. It was beautiful day with full of cheerful yellow!
Super Ball Girl
今日は17度と少し温かかったので 午前中オビィディエンススクールに行った後、午後は久々にテニスをした。琴はテニスがたまらなく大好きだから、1時間の集中特訓の後には最高のご褒美である。 あの素早くラケットを振る動きが溜まらないうえ、それに加えて大好きなテニスボールが飛んでくる!フォールになったボールを猛スピードで拾いに行き、持って来くるいわゆる球拾いをしてくれる。こちらとしても便利なのでコート内に居させているが、難点はテニスボールがよだれでどんどんベタベタになり、水分を含んでしまったボールは全然バウンスしない。だから 結局私達はテニスが思うように楽しめないのである。
雨が振って来て そんなこんなで上手くテニスを楽しめなかったので、気を取り直してWiiでテニスを室内でやってみた。
しかし、琴は全く同じ反応で ラケットを振る瞬間に大興奮!ボールが飛んでこなくても あのボールの跳ねる音とラケットを振る動作に反応しまくりだった。すべてのボーダーコリーはこんな調子なのだろうか?
We played tennis this afternoon after the obedience school, it was great treat for koto after all one hour of strict discipline because of she just loves tennis so much! She loves the movement of swinging a tennis racket and also she can chase the ball too. She usually picks up failed balls and bring it back to us, so its quite convenient and make our game more smooth but at the same time, tennis ball will became slobbery and started to get wet-heavy, make it hard to bounce. We stopped playing because of the rain, but continued to play Wii tennis at home. She reacted exactly the same as she was at tennis coat!
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