夢のような4週間の日本旅行もあっという間に終わってしまいました。 考えてみれば合計8回も飛行機にのり、日本の北から南へ飛び回りかなりいい思い出が沢山できた旅行だった。少し遊びすぎた感が残るが、それなりに会えた友達とゆっくりと色々な話が出来て、本当に大満足。
あーこういう話が友達や家族とずっとしたかったんだ。 色んな事を実感した
写真は お姉ちゃんの新しい家族(要するに私の新しい家族!)Border Collie x Italian Gray hound のMollyちゃんと Jack Russel Terrier のShinonちゃん
I have been lazy to update this blog for few weeks... and yes. here I am in Melbourne.
Trip in Japan was great, but it was so quickly finished. after all, I took air plain 8 times in total, from north of japan to south, had a wonderful onsen and great food, wonderful memories!!made me a bit guilty afterwords, but I strongly realised that how much I have been missing to be back in Japan and have a chat about ordinarily stories to my friends and families. I achieved everything in this trip. I am very satisfied!! yeah..
The best part of this trip was I could spend few days with my family in the mountain with nice onsen, we had a great family discussion and conversation.
Very important things to do and I actually felt that I am very lucky because my family members are all healthy and we can still get together like this.
My partner lost 2 family member already. He only have his father left.
Pictures are from my sister's new dog, which mean my new family too!! Border collie cross Italian Grey hound, 10 month old miss Molly and hyper and beginner agility champion, jack Russel terrier Shinon chan!
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