Justice for Buckley
この事件を起こした32歳の化け物は保留されているだけで、精神異常の為逮捕はされていない。2007年に改正された法律に寄ると動物虐待の罪にはなんとたった最高12ヶ月だけの罪、もしくは罰金が化せられるとなっているが さらに驚く事に今までに4ヶ月以上の罪が化せられたケースはないそうだ。
動物だからって なんで罪にならないの?完全に精神異常者のする事です。
Buckley was found in a schoolyard in the Brimbank area with bleeding ears and a severed tail. His ears and tail had been cut off with scissors or shears. The puppy was taken to a local vet clinic before being transferred to The Lost Dogs' Home.
The current maximum penalty for animal cruelty in Australia is a pathetic 12 months jail, or a fine. The maximum penalty that has ever been handed out is 4 months. This matter needs to be taken more seriously, and the penalties need to be increased.
I am very sad about this news.
sleeping town
日本最後の週末に訪れた 山岳にひっそり残った小さな小さな街。建物の殆どが重要文化財指定されていたが、町の人には殆ど会わず、静かに今でも活気があった頃の姿のまま眠っていた。懐かしいような、なぜか寂しいような。
素晴らしい日本の風景の残るこの街 是非 また以前のような観光地へと復旧してほしいものだ。
The last village I’ve visited in japan, It was located in the high land of the mountains with absolutely beautiful Japanese traditional buildings.
The Most of the buildings were national heritage listed.
There were 10 Ryokans and 1 restaurant, but there were nothing open and eventhough didn't see people who live around here. It seems like the time has stopped when this village was thrive on tourism and all ryo-kan crowded with customers from all over the Japan. I found the word of wabi-sabi in this little town, which became popular word in world wide. I hope this village shall flourish again as an old time.
17th month
4ヶ月前に今のスクールに変えて毎月必ずレベルアップしている。このスクールにはボーダー飼いの先生が沢山いて心強いし、進歩がよく見えて 本当に嬉しいこのごろ。だが私生活では相変わらず次々と別の問題が浮上してくる。
Koto pass the obedience level test on Saturday! She was very calm during the test and did all command very well. We were very happy! She is improving so quickly and her concentration,eye contact, and recactionto all commands are very good.
But we have some other issues that is always comes up to us, we needs to work on more than school lessons during the weekdays.
Recently she started show her aggression to dogs, which is coming out from her fear to dogs and she still chase the bicycles, her herding natrue make her wanna chase anything move fast.
This is the worst and most dengerous habit she has at the moment. it has to fix urgently.
I have been concentrating to teach focus on my command when the high speed bikes pass through on the busy time of the day with lots of treats. We are also doing strict on-leash recall practice at the park. Hope she will be a bit more calm dog some time soon.
Just Dreaming..
Melbourneの住宅状況は酷い。そんなに大都会でもなく、こんなに不景気な世の中なのに ここの住宅価値はまるで関東、いや東京の地価に匹敵するのではないか?殆どの古い家が国家遺産として登録されており、リノベーションするとしても建物前方とベースは残さなければならない。にも関わらず家の数が需要よりも随分少ない為、街から近くの郊外に住む殆どの人が莫大な費用でリノベーションしなければならないような家を買う人が多い。メルボルンで家を買うなんて夢の又夢の様な話である。というよりも欲しい家なんて見つからない状態。
今日は時間があって、なんとなく不動産やのホームページを見ていたら、その、夢のような理想的な家を見た。いや、この家は少し年老いてしまった夫婦には段差が多く、窓が多くてかなり住みにくくて、込入ったややこしい設計になってるが、見事!私は大好き!!こんな温かい家久しぶりに発見した。 緑と自然に囲まれて、おまけに直ぐ近くにヤラ川、巨大な公園、ゴルフ場 そしてかなり静かな高級住宅地にあるのにシティまで車で15分程度。
i found my dream house in Kew when I was browsing domain today. Multi-levels over the natural landscape and natural sunlights.
I am pretty sure that there are many bell birds and wild life near by so that Garden and sun decking will be full of bird sounds, there is out-side studio space with bathroom and shower. Overall looking is Very relaxing space with warmth timber.
Huge Main bed room has big windows with walk in robe... What a dream house. $1,450.000 Plus!! wow...
miss pennyjane at State of Design
日曜日に行ったState of Design festivalで素晴らしいJapanese textileをみた オーストラリア人のデザイナーから こんなに素晴らしい着物のデザインが生まれるとは嬉しい限りです。 でも実際に着物となったら少しエレガントすぎるかな?オビやアクセサリーの使い方で奇麗にまとまるかもね
We saw an amazing Kimono textile at the state of Design festival on Sunday.
It was wonderful to see that Australian designer can make such a beautiful contemporary kimono pattern! very elegant and would be wonderful to play with obi and other accessories.
This weekend
土曜はKotoと久しぶりのオビディエンスドレーニングに行って来た。 4週間というブランクに少し心配していたが、彼女の集中力はかなり上達していて、本当に驚かされた!パートナーがしっかり特訓してくれていた模様。
凄い速さで進歩しているのでなんだかこちらも嬉しくなってくる。毎月のレベルチェックでは必ずパスしてきているし、 来週はレベル4のテストがあるので 今回も頑張って特訓!この分だと絶対パス出来そうだ。 来月からKOTOと一緒にアジリティを始める事になった。今日は朝から候補の学校の見学にいってきた。やはり楽しそうでついついレッスンを見入ってしまったが、この学校では満足出来そうにない事を確認し、来週別の学校の見学に行く事にした!
犬の事ばっかりやっていた週末?という訳でもなく、State of Design exhibitionやOpeningにも行って来てかなりモチベーションアップの週末だった。
また後日報告します♪ We went to Obedience lesson on saturday. Koto improved very much of her focus and concentration. I was really happy to see that and I am pretty sure that she will be able to pass next week assessment for next level up.Sunday, we went to check out agility school, it was exciting to see the lesson, but we decided to try another school to compare. We need to make sure that we can enjoy as well as koto does. Exciting new weekly event will happen soon!
Biggest welcome ever
お帰りのメモを読んだ後、そしてKOTOは、、私をみた瞬間「誰?えっ誰?本当に帰って来たの?」5秒程の沈黙が続いたと思いきや、私が「琴〜!」と声を掛けたとたん しっぽブンブン、バタバタ、がたがた〜、がっしゃーん、、 もう大変な騒ぎだった。こんなに帰りを喜んでくれるなんて本当に幸せだ!写真はお土産のレインコートを来たKoto...かなり迷惑そうな顔でぎこちない動きだった。。
I was running straight to back yard when I finally came back home after 4 weeks of holiday, but 2 vases of beautiful flowers stopped me.
It was a present and welcome home note from my partner! I was very happy! then I opened the door to bring koto back inside, She looked at me for 5 second in silence, looked in shock and as soon as she hear my voice, she started going nuts saying welcome home! Her tail was wagging too hard and she couldn't sit down at all for awhile. very cute! Very remarkable welcome home surprises! I am very happy to be back home now:)piture is koto wearing my suvenier rain coat.. She was annoyed at this suvernier though..
Never looking daunted!
The last place I visit in Japan was Asagiri Kogen, near the mount Fuji, There were thick fog around fuji most of the time, but I could see this misterious mountain a little while in the morning. Always never looking daunted, looks bigger than life!
The last place I visit in Japan was Asagiri Kogen, near the mount Fuji, There were thick fog around fuji most of the time, but I could see this misterious mountain a little while in the morning. Always never looking daunted, looks bigger than life!
family discussion with onsen
夢のような4週間の日本旅行もあっという間に終わってしまいました。 考えてみれば合計8回も飛行機にのり、日本の北から南へ飛び回りかなりいい思い出が沢山できた旅行だった。少し遊びすぎた感が残るが、それなりに会えた友達とゆっくりと色々な話が出来て、本当に大満足。
あーこういう話が友達や家族とずっとしたかったんだ。 色んな事を実感した
写真は お姉ちゃんの新しい家族(要するに私の新しい家族!)Border Collie x Italian Gray hound のMollyちゃんと Jack Russel Terrier のShinonちゃん
I have been lazy to update this blog for few weeks... and yes. here I am in Melbourne.
Trip in Japan was great, but it was so quickly finished. after all, I took air plain 8 times in total, from north of japan to south, had a wonderful onsen and great food, wonderful memories!!made me a bit guilty afterwords, but I strongly realised that how much I have been missing to be back in Japan and have a chat about ordinarily stories to my friends and families. I achieved everything in this trip. I am very satisfied!! yeah..
The best part of this trip was I could spend few days with my family in the mountain with nice onsen, we had a great family discussion and conversation.
Very important things to do and I actually felt that I am very lucky because my family members are all healthy and we can still get together like this.
My partner lost 2 family member already. He only have his father left.
Pictures are from my sister's new dog, which mean my new family too!! Border collie cross Italian Grey hound, 10 month old miss Molly and hyper and beginner agility champion, jack Russel terrier Shinon chan!
The National Art center of Tokyo
Hitoshi Nomura-PERCEPTIONS―CHANGES IN TIME AND FIELD.It was amazing exhibition!! He introduced new vision of earth phenomena, moon, sky, space and DNA. He discovered that the courses followed by the sun or moon create beautiful shapes of MUGEN (shapes of eight, like this picture) and was attracted by the wonder of the fact that the light that reaches us from the Milky Way actually dates back to a time when plants that are now fossils, were still alive. He was data mania and he took photography of moon every day and made moon score out of moon's movement then convert to very interesting music. He uses photography, video, and sound to proof his research. very effective.
Time fles in Tokyo. I am here in my sweet home ooita now, it has been raining very hard and it might cause land slide problem soon, Its seriously raining. I haven't experience this much rain in OZ land. Pretty amazing.. but still very nice to be back home and hung out with my family.
In tokyo, my sincerly friends took me to smoke-food restaurant, some other friend cooked me amazing wild life red meat, other friend organised a great home party with yummy food and sake and I finally meet cocoon tower in shinjuku. I love tokyo so much!! I have been very lucky to be back in Tokyo.
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