明日1年半ぶりに帰国します。今回の旅で一番楽しみにしてるのが西新宿の新しい東京モード学院。私の一番尊敬する日本の建築士丹下健三氏が亡くなった後、彼の息子さんによる初の高層ビルプロジェクト。こんなビルが西新宿にあるなんて!まだ想像できないので本当に楽しみだ。何度見てもため息のでる大好きな代々木国立競技場も見に行こう。 その他にもいくつか見たいビルが沢山ある。東京♪
Yes! I am leaving melbourne tomorrow morning. and I am so excited to see new Tokyo Mode gakuin!! It's 204-metre, 50-story educational facility(fashion, hair design, etc) located in the Nishi Shinjuku, designed by my favorite and most respectable architect Mr. Tange's son. White aluminum and dark blue glass exterior form the structure's curved shell, which is criss-crossed by a web of white diagonal lines earning it the name "Cocoon Tower". I must go back to see Yoyogi gymnasium too! this is one of my favorite buildings in Tokyo. there are thousasnds of amazing architecture in tokyo! Can't wait to see them again.
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