Southern hemisphere is in the middle of winter, Wet and cold Melbourne winter is not my favorite time and I always get homesick - dreaming to go somewhere warm!!
We are mostly driving around the area to area by car to walk..yes that's so wrong! - Not much hiking or walking recently:(
本当にあの蒸し暑ーい日本が恋しくなります。 週末も出かけるけど、殆どは車でドライブ山へ出かけて、ちょっと散歩するくらいで、大好きなハイキングにもいく気力が起らない。。そんな気分も体調も不調になりがちなのは私だけじゃなくて琴やニアもみたい。
Koto has been also not well :( She had stomach virus and she has been really not well for the last couple of weeks.
Malcolm did all testing and xrays check up - just in case of something not good.
but the result was all good, and she is almost recovered, but we can see she is still a bit weak- Hope she gets fully recovered. makes me nervous to see her getting older and little gray hairs around her face. Winter make me think something I don't need to think :)
At least - Winter solstice is past and day is getting longer everyday ❤
琴ちゃんがちょうど3週間くらい前に 突然食欲がなくなって咳をしたり夜中に熱があったりとなんだか凄く体調が悪そうだったので、一時様子を見たのですが、元通りにならないので、2日間入院して血液検査やレントゲンを撮ってすみからすみまで調べてもらいましたが、異常は見つからず。
今は もう殆どもとの琴なのですが、なんだかいつもより元気がない感じ。
最近 顔の白い毛も目立って来たし、琴が年をとっていくのはとっても悲しい。
冬だからかなー 考えなくていい様な事ばっかり考えてまいます 笑
でも冬至は過ぎたから、日がすこしづつだけど 長くなってきたこの頃。
Post smart phone zombie
2017 has already finished half way and I am finally sitting on my favorite chair and listening music. Just realiased I have been 4 month of silence on my blog, I thought I willl never stop writing our little diary of Koto and Niah but this such a simple - daily routine can be break easily when I am so so busy, and I feel like I am always always looking at my iphone when I am resting, Feels like I am getting like smart phone zombie.
I think I need to stop spending my time for just browsing people's mind... because most of the shared videos and notes are junk. I need to spend more time with my dogs, and take more photos of my dogs and note what is happening to us!!
もっと琴とニアと向かいあって、もっと時間を費やして、もっと写真を沢山 撮って
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