Koto is coming back in 2016 :)
5月のアジリティナショナル競技会 琴とニア エントリーしました。
競技会では環境と周りに居る犬達に凄くストレスを感じる琴、そんな琴を競技会に連れて行くのは本当に大変だし、こっちもまったく楽しめないし 競技会自体があまりいいコースがないし、
ニアが怪我をしてからジェリコのコースを琴と一緒にやってきたり、DaveDaysonのセミナーやってみたりと2016年はコトと沢山ジャンピングのトレーニングをしたけど、本当に今、調子がよくて 400のバーもしっかり飛べる様になったし、ジョイントもまったく問題なし!バーを徐々に500にしてトレーニング再開します。
2016年、8歳になる琴にとって 最後のアジリティの年になるかもしれないけど
バックヤードでのトレーニングはシニアのバーにしてやっていくつもり!なんといってもいつも本気で全速力で走ってくれる琴とのトレーニングは本当に楽しい♡ ビデオは最近のジェリコのコース。
OMG!! I just entered both Niah & KOTO for Agility Nationals in May :)
Just finger crossed for Niah's recovery!!
We didn't really care about trialing with Koto, She gets way too stressed by environment and dogs at the trial, and we can't enjoy.
Since Niah broke his leg and I've been training Zeljko's course with her, and did Dave and Dyson's seminar, I think she has been so so so good!
We decide to gradually put bars up to 500 in the next few month and train back her to run trial.
Her stamina is great, getting better and better in jumping 400 and she does looks enjoying her self. She probably drop bars or extremely stressed! But we came this long long way to training with her and Dean and Koto are the GREAT team :)
2016 could be her final year of Agility.
But we LOVE training agility at our backyard. She is always always do everything I asked for, and run the fastest speed she could. gave us 110% :) Love this crazy girl.Now, I only pray for Niah's recovery!
Here is a video of Koto running Zeljko's course!
Udo Shrine - Miyazaki
本当に久しぶりの宮崎日南の海 |
沢山の小さな島々と連山のレイヤーがとっても美しい風景を生み出しています。 |
真冬に来たはずだったのに、ハイビスカスが咲いていました。この日は15℃でした。 |
初めて訪れた鵜戸神社。結構急な崖の上、大きな一枚岩の中に神社があります。 |
亀の形をした岩の上にはったロープの中にある穴に運玉を投げる。入ったらネガイが叶うそう! |
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これが運玉 5個100円。私は1個だけ入りました! |
結構難しいのです |
絶景です。 |
これてよかった。 |
Karakuni-Dake Hiking
初めての霧島連山、登山開始!左側が硫黄岳 |
硫黄岳の登山口、険しそう〜 |
この左側の韓国岳頂上を目指します。 |
霧島連山とえびの高原 |
5合目をすぎると景色は急に変わりました |
かちんかちん |
前日テレビでGrate Traverse日本二百名山 をみたし、久しぶりの登山だったので登れる程のスタミナがあるのかちょっと不安だったんだけど、いざ登り出したら速い速い。
なんとも元気がでる山で パワフルに一気に登れました! とってもやさしい1700mでした。
でも山頂からの眺めた絶壁は 恐い、、でもなぜか飛び降りたくなるような、ジャンプしたくなるような、覗くのもこわいような。。
On 27th of December, I climbed the mountain called Karakuni-Dake in Miyazaki with my sister and her dogs.
It was great little mountain for day hiking, and the view from the top was incredible, somewhat pieceful and yet powerful.
Mount Karakuni is the highest peak on Mount Kirishima, which stretches across southern Kyushu. The peak stands about 1,700 m above sea level, and was formed by a volcanic eruption 17,000 years ago. The peak is topped by a caldera with a diameter of 800 m and a depth of 300 m, and the summit affords outstanding views of the other peaks on Mount Kirishima, as well as Sakurajima, an active volcano floating in Kagoshima Bay in the neighboring prefecture. Another attraction is the opportunity to see a diverse array of plants and wild deer. Panoramic views spread out before you.
-text from : http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/spot/natuscen/mt-Karakunidake.html
I was a bit anxious about if I have enough stamina for climbing, (since I haven't done much hikes since the last trave in Japan) Because the night before, we watching Mountain Climbing tv program called Greate Traverse by Tanaka Yoki, challenging 200 mountains.
But it was opposite, This mountain was powerful!
Made me wanna fly,
Made me wanna jump into a massive crater lake,
Made me wanna run to the top.
Lovely hiking day and Enjoyed my self so much!!
My 13 hours of window seat view from Australia to Fukuoka
I'm back home!! Can you find Mt. Fuji? |
Here is Narita, Flight from Melbourne took 9.5 hours. Not bad at all. |
Oh Big serious fire near Narita. Hope everything is okay. |
I always make sure to have Left side window seat from Narita to Kyushu flight, to see this :) |
And this... amazing South Alps of Japan |
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Above Osaka and Kobe |
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Coming down to the sea.. |
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Coming down to my island, Kyushu |
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This is Fukuoka. Ocean, Mountain, Big city, and interesting culture. everything is there. |
今更の Happy New Year 2016
Love Emi, Koto & Niah
We are terribly late for Happy new year!!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, New Years Eve and holiday season.
I haven't update my blog regurarly, but this year, we are going to seriously facing to
Niah's rehab to completely heel from his injury!
And a lot of agility events and seminars coming up!
Also to build on my own core strength, and stamina!!
I am hoping to make 2016 as a building up my life saving year.
to research, to absorb, to save, to practice, to make it happen for the next.
Thank you for visiting our little journey. we will be so happy to have you here in 2016 :)
Love Emi, Koto &Niah
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