Tunnel maddness!
We are practicing tunnel entry exercise, using Dave Munning's exercise resource.
In Australia, we have tunnel entry discrimination all the time.
Verbal commands:
Obvious/Straight entry "Tunnel"
Not Obvious/Other side end of the entry "Here Here"
And Call off from tunnel /Go to other obstacle is "Koto Koto"(Dog's name)
It will be very useful exercise and the best thing is Koto and Niah LOVEs this game :)
They are already addicted like doing running contact :D
Dave Munningのトンネルエントリーのエクササイズをしています。
向こう側のエントリーが”Here Here”
そして両方のエントリーに入れないで別の障害に行く場合が犬の名前を呼ぶ"Koto Koto”
New Tunnel and New saddle bags!!
woo hooo!! We have brand new tunnel and saddle bags on try since last week!
There are a big hiccup, and it took us about 4 month since we ordered!! but finally here :D
OMD handling, FFX to Reverse spin!
The last competition, we had a special guest from Finnland, OneMindDogs funder couple, Matti and Taina :) They were visiting their friend in Gippsland, and wanted to see Agility trial before they back home.
I show them around K9 trial! wow! what a great inspiring night.
I had a great chat about Finnish agility and OMD methology and they even taught me some handling tip/option at out side of the ring :) (Well, I asked them...) They really enjoyed watching Trial, and thanks god! The course was nice.
I did try new moves and got Master Agility run, followed by Matti's advice.
I made a short video of what they taught me! So much attention to the details to make nicest dog's line. I just love it! Please come back to Australia again!
Happy 7th Birthday Koto!
Koto turns 7 years old today!!!
Thank you for bonding us as a family for the last 7 years.
You are our life, sunshine, happiness.
I love you so much Koto.
Happy birthday sweet and crazy :)
1st 2015 Trial
I've been practicing double cross with Zeljko and tried at our first trial last week.
I am still not confident in timing,, and as I thought.. not a great line, position...
everything was a bit late!
And I totally forgot to handle in the end!!! but but..oh so lucky!
We've got 2nd place! :)
Good boy you Mr!!
Paradise Valley Camping -Dog friendly caravan park with river-
After having a nearly Autum temparature week, We finally
had summer back in the weekend! It was exciting since I was feeling so cold in the night for one week!! We decided to go for one day camping for fresh water swimming
near Glenmaggie lake in Gippsland. We
camped right next to the valley and river, and enjoyed jumping in the water,
cooking under the Sky, Sunset and Stars.
camp site was called Paradise Valley,
which has a HUGE area that dogs can run around freely and swim in the river, we
could camp anywhere along the river and valley, There were few caravans and
campers but not busy at all. It was a
caravan park so it wasn’t free bush camping, but I appreciated very thick and
healthy green grass everywhere (we don’t see that anymore in Melbourne, its too
dry and nearly dead brown grass everywhere) with very clean area. There were
not many trees and didn’t see much wild life but there was nothing to complain! About $15 per night/per site, Not bad at all!!
had a great weekend with dogs! We
should more often come to river and lake camping!
先週は秋が来たのかと思う程涼しい日が一週間も続いたのですが、金曜から一気に35℃を越え、また暑くなったので、 川や湖で泳げる場所の近くにいきたくなり、ギプスランドのパラダイスバレーという川のあるキャラバンパークへ土日出かけてきました。
Zeljko Course 5 Retry
FFC(Forced Front Cross)の位置と私の動きが大きすぎてニアの動きが膨らんでいた様なのでそこを何度か練習して、あとはラップターン、ラップターンの反対側へプッシュの練習やあとは出来なかった所を再チャレンジ。。
あとは全て 私のタイミング次第〜 !
I have re-try Zeljko's lesson after read his comment.
I retry FFX, because he said "you are going little bit to much to the left side of the wing so he doesn’t take the jump immediately. There he is loosing nice line to take the jump directly. Lap turn option, Push to the other side option.. and some parts that we couldn't do."
So first part is re-thinking of my motion and position of FFC.
And he showed me more options on Lap turn and push to the other side.
and some parts that we had problems :)
Niah is getting better with Lap turn and push to the other side.
Now, I just need to work on Blind Cross, Double Blind Cross and Ketschker's timing.. All about my timing!!!
pop up pup

Niah is such a sweet boy with the most friendliest heart
clever, athletic, and he can also act on camera!
I record this video about one year ago and finally edited on this weekend!
You are so funny Niah :)
その上 カメラに向って 演技も出来ちゃう❤️
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