
end of 2014 month - looking back and planning for next!

 photos by amanda mercat

 photos by Sal Robinson

今年のアジリティは ランニングコンタクトをどんどんトライアルで使い、
徹底的に学び直す事が出来ました。その後、OMDと比較的動きやTheoryが似ているJouni & IsabelleのオンラインコースにチャレンジしてOMDで学んだ事をさらにブラッシュアップ。
ちゃんと終わらせた。。とは言いづらいのです。。彼のコースは激難!で 良い勉強になったのですが、、、

ブログを覗いてみたら 料金も良心的、しかもメールでレッスンの構成を聞いてみたら
クラス構成ではなく、One to Oneのレッスンだそうで、コースも私の苦手な所などを集中して作って下さるそう。 これは良心的♥ 大好きなジェニーちゃんのトレーニングパートナーでもあるし、期待できそう! 
しかもアジリティだけではなく、Life Lessonという日常の困った行動などの指導もしてくださるそう。これは 琴にぴったりだ!

とりあえず3月にJouni&Isabelleのシドニー、それから9月にDave Manningsに参加する予定。ちょっと速いけど来年も良いアジリティの年にしよう!

2014 has one more month left! What a great agility year it was!
I started with Running Excellent Agility with Running contact, then we've manage to get Masters Agility! This year, we only had 2 miss contact!
Niah is not a fast dog, so Contact is not as fast as I was hoping,,,
But speed is not everything! I am so happy with his confident, really happy.  So far, so good. 

We also attend OMD seminar, and it totally changed my old handling habit and started to understand about how to walk the course and agility theory.
After the seminar, I kept learning Finnish agility with Jouni&Isabelle, It was actually great lesson with him to extend what I learnt with Noora (omd) and use it in the actual course.  I took 2 lessons, one lesson contain 4 course- which were very high level to me, every few obstacle was challenge- but I manged to finished first one, and 2 more courses are left in second. It was really nice to learn.. but I struggle setting up the course in my small back yard! I want agility field :)

I'm planning next year- and I found Zeljko Gora is starting online lesson :)
He is one of my favorite handler, and also a training partner to Jenny Damm. I've been stalking Jenny and Zeljko's seminar in Japan for the last couple years and I was always sooo wanted to learn with them! Apparently, He will give me a specific course/curriculum, which is excellent. I am excited to learn with him. 
In march, I will go to Sydney again to attend Jouni&Isabelle, and Dave Munning in End of the year around October. Wow, Looking forward to the next year :D


Koto's recovery - back in Jumping-

Koto & Dean has been back in jumping training. 
She is doing so well, still her front leg gets stiff and we needs to keep an eye on her leg and massage.  And her back toe also needs attention when she is running. 
But so far, she is recovering nicely.
So much to catch up in building her body coordination, building more muscle, and lots of agility commands needs to refresh.
but She will never give up running :D
It really doesn't matter if she will be back in Agility or not...
We don't care about agility / contact training / trial and jumping on her height at all anymore! 
Just having a fun in the backyard like this is just perfect 
and we are just happy to do some activities with her.

All of my fingers are crossed for calm and healthy year of  2015.

今は 本当に楽しそう〜
こうやって嬉しそうに走る 琴がみれるのは本当に幸せ。

競技会に復帰するのかは 全く決めていません。もうコンタクトの練習も、競技会に出れなくてもいいやと思ってもいます。
ただこうやって庭で一緒に遊べるだけで 十分です。これでいいのです。


grampians video

My friend Danny's video of Grampians. 
A Big respect.

I love recording my trip, but I never pay attention to build story,
I need to record to show process, history, and expression...
I really like to start recording my video like Danny does!   
Thank you Danny for the great tip!


こういう風に ストーリーを考えたり 旅の過程や廻った所、そしてそのときの



Long time no see Mr. Koala

Last wednesday, in the middle of the week, after work- we drove to somers after work. we just did normal jogging, playing frisbee, and chilling out on the beach!
It was 33℃ hot day- so perfect night for the beach fun.
We saw Koala! oh we missed you, and haven't seen you for ages~
Suprisingly, koto didn't bark at Koala at all.. She was seriously looking at
this slow and weird animal.. Im sure Koto was thinking...
"Thats not a cat!! but never seen a dog on the tree! But too big for possum.. what is that? Who the heck??"

What a nice early summer mid-week day :)  
今週の水曜日は33℃まで上がったので 仕事の後1時間程運転していつものビーチへ。


Sheep herding 3rd lesson -Confident building-

We were at 3rd sheep herding lesson last Saturday, and I was also at agility trial on Sunday... 
To be honest, that was very bad choice, doing both herding and agility in one weekend! Because... I totally didn't know there were sheep... 
oh so many many sheep RIGHT next to agility ring on Sunday !! 

Yeah, Niah was so excited about sheep at agility- and didn't connect with me at agility... Weather was terrible, bad ground condition, not that exciting courses, 
It wasn't great day at all on Sunday....
so we didn't have luck for agility as you can imagine! 

But how was herding?  
Hm... it was... very interesting.  
A lot of new behavior to learn. 
I've seen many of "Never seen my dogs do that" moment!!

We were back to the paddock where we had a first lesson at Instructor's house. 
Niah was doing alright.. but still broke troop a couple of times and just chasing around them.. then we notice that he only goes to back side of the sheep, and we finally realized that..
"Oh, He is a bit scared of sheep!!!"
Yes, Koto and Niah both never looks at Sheep's eyes. 

SO--- what we did was...
Confident building exercise.   
We put about 5 sheep in the pen, and we put dogs ON TOP OF sheep to get use to them. Also let Niah and Koto to look at Sheep's eyes, really deeply... 
For instance, If sheep are stuck in the corner, dogs needs to somehow find a way to push them, to do so, sheep dogs needs to crawl under the small gap and push back from where they are, and apparently that's one of the important sheepdog mission. 
Being stronger than sheep, being confident with Sheep.. 
Unfortunately, I didn't record what we did.. because both Koto & Niah were screaming.. 
So- No video or photo, but here is what I've seen (Not exactly! haha..)  

Koto and Niah had some moment that wagging their tail on top of sheep, getting very relaxed with them, it was just too funny.. and as soon as they move, back to super serious. They both started to show teeth to them. wow, my sweet boy is showing a teeth!!
Niah got confident with sheep quickly,    Koto is bit more timid (as always she is). 
A lot more things to work on, but they both show significant confident improvement this day.  What a exciting day for us.

土曜のハーディングがかなりフルオンだったので、ニアは羊ばっかり気にして集中力ゼロ、 コネクションゼロ、、そして天気最悪、グランドコンディションは悪し、

そして土曜のハーディングはどうだったかというと、これがかなーり 興味深い一日でした。
ニアや琴は 羊を追掛けたりまとめる事はわかってるのですが、ただ後ろをうろうろするだけで、羊の目を一切見ない様に 目をそらしながら後ろから近づいているんじゃない?
でも実は 今はRSPCA(動物保護団体)がやってはいけない(羊が傷つく事があるため)という条例をつくっているらしく禁止されています。。 そして、、、案の定 1匹の羊がパニックになりペンに激突!
でも やっちゃいけないんだよ、といわれながらも お勧めされた訳がよーく解りました。
琴はというと、、後ろから羊に噛み付いて行くくせに、同じく ちょっと恐い。。
今回は2匹が大興奮状態で写真が全然とれなかったので 合成写真をお楽しみあれ(笑)

そんなわけで、こんなエクササイズをした翌日に 羊が隣にいるリングでアジリティが出来る訳なーい!


happy hurdle 08,Nov2014

I did a little practice before run entire course, but it went very well!
We are very use to playing in our tight backyard, but Still, Niah always amaze me how he can be flexible with my cloth line in the center. Good boy Niah! 


Summer is here

Happy dogs on the beach :D
Summer is here!!


2nd Sheep herding lesson

We are finally back in Sheep herding lesson! Koto is still not perfect, so this day was only Niah.
It was only 2nd try with this herding club, but we practice with small mob of about 60 ewes.  wow, that was incredibly exciting experience to see my boy's natural instinct.
He was really good. Instructors are both really happy for what he /dean did this day. 
We started with just letting him to chase the mob, work out how to move them. 
then also taught him to work for us, listen to our command, to create team work.

He can be very aggressive, but also calm and steady.  We manage to teach quite many commands and he started to understand to "work together" not just chasing around the mob. 
The end of the day, we tried "Away to me", and it went really well. 
He was a bit naughty, breaking the mob in the end but he put them together nicely and bring them back in the end. 
So far, it looks like he is quickly learning the concept. 
 There are so much more to teach and learn together, but looks like Niah has a bright potential. 
今週末のメルボルンは4連休です。昔からの皇室の競馬観戦の日で 国民の皆さんもメルボルンカップという競馬をクイーンが観戦の為に着た様な服や帽子にドレスアップしてを見に行きます。 私は全く知らないけど、今年は 日本の馬が優勝するかも!という噂を耳にします。何はともあれ頑張って下さい〜

ところで、そんなにぎやかな週末、私達は田舎で2回目のシープハーディングのレッスンをしてきました。琴の足のせいで行けなかったのですが、待っても待ってもなかなか完治しないので、今回はニアだけで 初の”群れ追い”に挑戦!
初めて60頭程の群れを追わせたのですがやっぱり天性ですね、ちゃんと羊を集めてきます。 でもチームワークやコマンドはこの興奮状態の中で少しずつ教えて行かなければいけません。公園でずっと練習してきたComebyとAway、それにLaydownは随分理解して来ている様子。Lay downは ただ、タイミングが遅過ぎるので これはもっと練習しなければです。
そして今回初めてニアがボーダーコリーの”目”を使ってストーキングをしているのを見た気がします!最後のAway to me(遠距離にいる羊を連れてくる事)も大成功。まだまだ動きやコマンド、練習する事が沢山ありますが、ニアは将来良いシープドッグになりそう♥