Contact Training:
でもある程度広い庭もあるし、シルビアも助けてくれるし、琴もニアは若いし、Why Not?
I couldn't decide what contact I should teach for DW, I am sure we would prefer running A-Frame
but never run course, never done agility so it's not easy to decide which one is good for me.
But After dog understood good 2o2o behavior, then switch to RC is not easy,
but other way around is. although it is possible to teach both method at once as showing on above video.
but it should practice RC before 2o2o.
RC has a lot more lisk and big time consuming to train, need to set up Dog walk and repeat running for 3-4 month.
but A Frame 2o2o has lisk to injury and gives strong shoulder pressure, we never ever want to have any accident
in agility and I would avoid even small lisk of injurly thinking about Koto-being too fast.
We have backyard now, we can set up plank/DW, Silvia will support us, and our dogs are still very young!
Why not??
Here is our very beginning of our both method training :)
Silvia's comment to this video:
His 2on2off looks good to me, no problem if he goes into a bow when not released immediately. I would, however, throw in more releasing to a thrown toy as soon as he gets into the position as rewarding in a position every time makes staying there very easy – and very different from how things will looks like in a trial. So you can slowly make it look more like in a trial now. I would be releasing immediately more&more frequently and sometimes still rewarding a position, but yes, tugging would be even better: try tugging very gently first, he might hold the position then – if not, stop the play, ask him to go into the position again and then play again. He needs to learn the play stops if he leaves the position.
You can work on all 2on2off steps on a box and then go directly to a DW once you already did some RC too. You can use a plank now yes and you can for now train with you ahead and a tug toy, but you will definitely need forward focus also with you behind, so I would work a lot on him liking to retrieve to tug too. This subject is addressed to more details in my new DVD, but in short, make it all about tugging, but do some throwing in between too, so that he connects it’s the same game. Meaning that you need a toy that you can tug with and also throw (a ball on a string, Wubba, one of those big rubber balls etc.): tug with it, then ask for a trick, throw it some (maybe towards him to fetch it in the air first if he prefers that over running after it?) and then tug once he returns it to your hand. You can even keep it on a long string first to make it look more like tugging game, but you do want to make him like the chasing part too, so include more&more of that into your games too.
His 2on2off looks good to me, no problem if he goes into a bow when not released immediately. I would, however, throw in more releasing to a thrown toy as soon as he gets into the position as rewarding in a position every time makes staying there very easy – and very different from how things will looks like in a trial. So you can slowly make it look more like in a trial now. I would be releasing immediately more&more frequently and sometimes still rewarding a position, but yes, tugging would be even better: try tugging very gently first, he might hold the position then – if not, stop the play, ask him to go into the position again and then play again. He needs to learn the play stops if he leaves the position.
You can work on all 2on2off steps on a box and then go directly to a DW once you already did some RC too. You can use a plank now yes and you can for now train with you ahead and a tug toy, but you will definitely need forward focus also with you behind, so I would work a lot on him liking to retrieve to tug too. This subject is addressed to more details in my new DVD, but in short, make it all about tugging, but do some throwing in between too, so that he connects it’s the same game. Meaning that you need a toy that you can tug with and also throw (a ball on a string, Wubba, one of those big rubber balls etc.): tug with it, then ask for a trick, throw it some (maybe towards him to fetch it in the air first if he prefers that over running after it?) and then tug once he returns it to your hand. You can even keep it on a long string first to make it look more like tugging game, but you do want to make him like the chasing part too, so include more&more of that into your games too.