そして今週末は引っ越しです。大きな庭ですが、メルボは今年かなり雨が多かったせいで芝が酷い状態です。地面もドロドロ状態。。先週は除草剤をまいて芝の状態を良くする為にフォークのような機会で庭全体にちいさな穴を開けて空気が通る様に2日かけて作業をしました。 土の酸性アルカリ性を検査して野菜ガーデンを作る最適な場所や犬のトイレの場所も決めました。健康な芝を作るためがんばっています。。庭って思っていた以上に大変です〜。。家よりも庭で選んでしまいましたが、頑張ります〜♪
Poor Niah, He had a Desex yesterday, and he looks like the saddest dog in the world. He started to lick wound a lot last night so we put corn collar on him. Pretty funny(sad) to see dog with collar, he is hitting his head every single wall and objects when he walks.. (Koto did never hit her head like him!) He looks like a cat without Whiskers, totally lost his control! hanging there Niah Bo!
Another thing that we are struggling is our new garden.. We are finally moving to new house this weekend but we have been gardening for a week. Currently the backyard is very wet and as soon as dog run, it become a terrible-muddy pit. Grass is very bad condition and not looked after for such a long time.
We've been working to kill weeds and trying to grow grass. Huge space to work on, and sure it's not a easy job!
We've been working to kill weeds and trying to grow grass. Huge space to work on, and sure it's not a easy job!
but we choose the house because of this spacious backyard to play with dog. Takes awhile but we believes it will be very good soon :)