
cik/cap progress 2

I finally went to good long walk with dogs today! It has been cold/raining a lot in Melbourne and School is also getting busy every day!  But I am having fun with training as a daily exercise! it is really good for me!
here is another video of our cik/cap practice with Niah and Koto.  
Koto needs to practice turns..She is a little too fast, but today she was so much better!
And, I have few mistakes on my video, the entry of tunnel 3,  so cap before is not making tight turn and not making sense!  but we had a fun at first try :)
学校も日に日に忙しくなって来てなかなかのんびり散歩が出来る時間が取れないのですが、 今日は久しぶりにいい天気だったので、1時間ゆっくり散歩をしました。それから少しトレーニングの続きもしてきました。前回の練習で琴ちゃんはスピードがつくとタイトターンが出来なかったので(もちろんハンドラーにも問題があったのですが)ここ2−3日はまたターンだけ練習してきました。相変わらずやる気旺盛♩だいぶ良くなってきました。ディーンの作業着練習。。笑ってください!(仕事帰りでした)ニアもターンは凄くいいのですが、トンネルに関してはまだ楽しさを知らないようです。。私もいくつかコマンド間違っています。それからトンネルのエントリー3も間違っています(笑)初めてだったので次はしっかり出来る様にします。


cik/cap progress

Cik/cap(tight turn) has been great fun to practice!
I did practice cik/cap sequence with Camila and Grace on Saturday
The last 2 session, I put a very short loop on his collar to practice restrain and he seems much more comfortable and getting used to being restrained.
I still need more excitement to make him run with me.
(I think I am a little late to tell cik/cap command to him as well..)
He runs very very fast when he chase Koto, but it is pretty difficult to make him excited to run with me. (slow starter!)  I can not run like Koto, so forget it Niah!! 
The last video showing comparison of 3 dogs from our practice on Saturday.  Koto is faster than 2 times bigger Grace, but she missed Cap on 5, so they finished in same time. wow.  very important to have tight turn to earn time!  
寒くて雨の多いこのごろですが、Cik/capの練習、毎日泥だらけになりながら頑張っています。土曜はカミラちゃんと一緒にシークエンスの練習を一緒にしました。ニアはカラーを掴まれるのが苦手でカラーを持つと必ずよそ見していたのですが、短いロープをカラーに付けてみたら余り嫌がらず、少し集中力が上がりました。でも彼とのこれからの一番の課題は”私と一緒に走る事に興奮させる事”。。彼は琴を追いかける時は素晴らしいスピードなのですが、それ以外は、、ゆっくりな子なんです。私も琴くらい速く走らないとダメですかね。。(無理ですよ、ニアさん)最近の私の口癖は”ニア、ボーっとしないよ、ボーッと。” 一生懸命色々考えてる様なのですが。。(笑 考えるタイプのハーディングドッグです!と言っておきます。 ビデオではバーの高さを少しづつあげています。 


Standing still here

When I come back from Japan, I always became homesick and realise how much I love Japan! (which is a good reminder for me!)
I am very sad about my beautiful country and Japanese are in a pain and having a difficult situation but I am not helping anything for it.  


Mt. Aso and surrounded area

Unfortunitly, My picture won't tell you much about how beautiful it was and the vast scale of the land scape in Mt. Aso, Kyushu. Always beautiful!! 
残念ながら私の写真ではどれだけ美しい風景だったのか、どれだけ広大な場所なのかが伝わりませんが、阿蘇山はやっぱり何時行っても本当に美しい !


Aglity foundation with Silvia Trkman- homework 1

Back in Training!  We are far behind from our online AF classes with Silvia, but we did 1st homework and it is so much fun:)
we are very happy about Koto's tightness and speed :P
First lessons are; Cik/Cap, Tunnel send with front cross and Shoulder pull, independent weave pole!
トレーニングタイム!休暇中にシルビアとのオンライン アジリティファンデーションクラスが始まっていたのですが、すっかり遅れています。。でも週末の3日間を使って練習しましたよ。
1回目のレッスンはcik/cap,Tunnel send(フロントクロスとショルダープル)それからインディペンデントスラノーム(6本のポールの間をくぐり抜ける練習です。)

1st day in Japan; Oike, -Oita-

1st day in Japan, we stayed in Kujyu Kogen in Oita. 
We did short walk near spring water fall!  Deep green forest with powerful trees! 
So lucky to be finally back home!


Puppy school graduation

Yes, Niah is no longer puppy student!
He suddenly became a teenager boy, when we came back home. many new behavior, and stills tons of things to teach him. But for now, he graduate puppy class(3rd puppy school graduation!well done Niah)


phi phi's tropical colours!

Koh Phi Phi island

Our room.  Cheerful yellow, and yes, its my colour!

Welcome fruits
cute see saw!
View from Koh Phi Phi Island

our room, our garden, hammock, and beach!
From the ocean
Snorkeling spot!
Perfect island for honeymoon ;p
I am finally back in foggy and cold Melbourne city. 

Our honeymoon trip was just perfect!  It was only 3 days of relaxing on the beach, 
but it was more than enough! Because Every moment we spend in Thailand was just perfectly sweet!!